IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Several people believe that studying a history's subject is one of the most necessary things. Whereas, others considere that science and technology are more imperative to be learned than history. In this essay, I will di
Due to the rise of modern technology, some people advocate the importance of learning Science and Technology subjects as they seems to be more related to our lives. Technology is everywhere and plays an important role of
Illustration presents information about the cost of bananas in Japan, France, Germany and the USA from 1994 to 2004. The overall trend shown in the data was the highest price of bananas per kilogram was in Japan. In addi
Some people argue that History is one of the most significant part of education while others consider that learning Science and Technology is more appropriate for the students in the modern society. In my view, both of t
Nowadays, a tendency to consider history as an useless subject at school can be observed,due to the rapid development of technology. It is agreed , that science or computer programming is more practical lesson as they c
There is ongoing debate regarding the relative importance of history compared to science and technology in modern education. While some argue that the study of science and technology holds greater significance in today's
Some people believe that, in this current era, the study of science and technology is far more crucial than history, while others do not view the same. The following essay will discuss both points of view and present my
History, according to some people, is incredibly important in schools arguing its significant importance. They think a search into the past provides insights into societal evolution and develops critical thinking and cul
There is an arguable discussion about the main subject at primary school, such as history or Science and Technology. This essay argue that science and technology should be the focus at academy; however, this essay will s
Every subject has an impact on modern phenomena. Several individuals opine that history is an essential subject for school learners whereas the opposite opinion is that studying modern subjects such as science and techno
Nowadays, history is one of the most significant subjects in the school curriculum. So people always raise questions about the importance of this. Therefore, some individuals believe that technical subjects, such as scie
Some believe that history plays a significant role in students’ life compared to other school subjects, while others think that science and technology play this a more important role these days. In my opinion, history is
Besides subjects such as mathematics, physics and chemistry with difficult-to-memorize formulas, students often learn other subjects such as history or science and technology. Therefore, there are numerous debates about
People have different views about the most significant lessons whether science and technology or history in the current world. In my opinion, both subjects are valuable however, I prefer to lean towards the former as I b
As everyone agrees lectures have been one of the most common and debatable issues for individuals and states for years. A part of society thinks that the way to establish beneficial facilities in our world must be throug
In my opinion I think every subjects is important for us. We have to learn everything through our past, present and future. Some people say that History is one of the most important school subjects it's true but it has t
It is commonly argued that some people believe that History play a significant role in school topic for students, while the opposing view asserts that, nowadays,the other core subjects exist like : Science aswell as Tech
In my opinion I think every subjects is important for us. We have to learn everything through our past, present and future. some people say that History is one of the most important School subjects it's true but it has
In light of the advancement of technology, there has been a strong emphasis on the importance of the subjects such as Science and Technology over History. However, I will assert that learning history is paramount of impo
some people are of the opinion that, the most essential school subjects is history. But other people believe that, nowadays some other subjects such as science and technology are more important than history. This assey w
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