IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In the present age, taking a year break in between studies is normal. Some people assert that taking a year gap before starting college is a wonderful idea, whereas others believe that this is completely wrong and should
There is no denying the fact that considering a time before starting university is arguable. While it is a commonly held belief that student must study directly after high school. In this essay, I will discuss both argum
University submission is perhaps time-consuming for people, and some think it will be beneficial if a gap year system is applied between the last year in senior high and the university application period.However, there a
People have different opinions about whether one year vacation between secondary and tertiary education is worthwhile or not. Personally , I vehemently agree with an initial view because a long break is advantageous for
A gap year has become a trend among young adults. The topic has been stirred up controversy worldwide. In this essay, both sides will be discussed and my opinion will be given.
Many people think that students have to opt for a year for something other than study, after school and before joining the university. Meanwhile, many believe that it would disturb their learning. According to me, it is
It is argued that students should take a year break before enrolling on their tertiary education. I completely agree with the statement the fact that it helps pupils to get into some job and gives them an opportunity
While some people think having a year off between finishing school and going to university is extremely attractive for students, other experts and the public believe this gap is not useful for them.Let me discuss my opin
In this contemporary era, many students have many problems in their scools and colleges so many students take one to two years break from their study also many other factors play vital role for why students taking break
A few people feel that pupils should have a gap of a year before enrolling for university whilst others think it affects the syllabus. In this essay, I will explore both viewpoints and give my opinion with elaborations a
n many nations,it is believed that youth are motivated to take a gap year between school graduation and university studies. This essay will suggest that it is helpful to improve self-esteem and learning the value of mone
In many nations,it is believed that youth are motivated to take a gap year between school graduation and university studies. This essay will suggest that it is helpful to improve self-esteem and learning the value of mon
Nowadays, there is much controversy over the continuity of studying from schools to universities. While some people are promoting the idea that one year gap is necessery in between, others consider the immidiate start of
To start with , People often will give a thought about taking a break or some time off in order to figure out what actually they wanted to pursue next in their life, in terms of university education .In my opinion , I do
In this present world, the popularity of students having a gap year between graduating from school and starting for the university had increased gradually. From my point of view, although by having a gap year seems to be
In today's world, graduating from high school is a big step in the entire life that affects students' decisions. People who appreciate the positive effects of the gap point to a certain claim that it is a good idea, whil
Never before have we seen so many graduates from senior school contributing and taking part to charities mainly in undeveloped nations. I am of the belief that this trend has clear benefits but also a few drawbacks.
The supplied line graphs highlight the information with regard to the number of people in units of thousands, who move into and out of the United Kingdom throughout the period from 1993 to 2002.
Working for a charity helps underprivileged people and to consider a selfless act. Nowadays, getting involved in a charity organisation is popular among youngsters by taking a one year break between high school and col
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