IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is true that traditional cultures have attracted more and more visitors and have generated extreme profit for tourism industry. While I tend towards the viewpoint that local cultures should not being exploited for ear
Nowadays, cultural heritage is commonly utilized for tourism purposes. Some people may think it could destroy them, while others think these traditions are better maintained. I believe that properly using cultural tradit
It is undeniable the fact that cultural traditions attract people from all over the world. It's useful to increase the economy of any nation. Some proportion of the masses assert that if these places are modified to attr
Tourism industries now is emerged out as one of the fastest growing industries since last few decades. By these, some laymen have opine that the originality of culture and rituals are vanished, while other think that is
There is no scepticism that tourism, which has been playing a vital role in the economic growth of the nation. So experts throughout the developed and developing regions assert that since tourist places has been utilize
There is no sceticism that tourism which has been played a vital role in economic growth of the nation. So experts throughout the developed and developing regions assert that since tourist places has been utilize for ear
It is undeniable fact that many countries attract tourists with the help of their cultural traditions. It acts as a lure for the visitors. So, some people believe that when these traditions are used for money making, it
The vacation industry is pushing many underdeveloped countries. This process is calculated by many socioeconomic benefits and I believe it will have some serious environmental obstacles.
tourism has been increased in a country at high level . the main attraction of the toursits is the culture of the particular place . some school of thoughts asserts that cultural history of particular place is being des
Cultural Tradition is very important to save day by day we see people are leaving their culture and adopting western culture into their life that becomes a threat to our tradition.
It is irrefutable that cultural traditions attract tourists from all over the world and develop local economy. Some individuals are of the opinion that these may be destroyed if they are modified to attract tourists. O
There is no doubt that tourism industry helps many nations develop their economy which leads to more employment opportunities and new network infrastructure of host community. The opinion is divided on the matter. There
Some people argue that once cultural traditions are employed to make money, they are ruined. However, others hold the opposite view that it is the only means to protect these traditions from extinction in current world.
The growing popularity of national and international travel has, in recent years, made many people concerned that it may cause damage to cultural traditions. However, others are in favor of developing tourism as a way of
Nowadays, tourism is considered as a boon for a country’s economy. It plays a pivotal role in a country’s economy since it is considered the largest employer and generator of foreign exchange for many countries. It is of
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