IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is some opposition against studying literature who thinks that it is much a time consuming subject in high school. I totally dispute with this opinion, which I believe that, not only reading and writing stores and
I totally disagree with this statement. Coining knowledge always updates you regarding the new world. Peoples need to be abreast of the latest developments.
A section of society is of the opinion that, there is no significance for the secondary pupils to learn humanities like novels or poems.I disagree because it serves as a career and portrays culture.This essay will expl
In the modern era, the teaching literature is very vital part of our society. Literature is important part of every country. In this context, some individuals believe that student must be encouraged to study literature
It is often argued that students of high school should be taught their literature while others think that exploring foreign literature is of paramount importance. This essay agrees that learning world literature is cruc
Some people argue that students should learn only their country's literature like poems,novels and others while others have reverse opinions on this issue.Personally, I believe both national and global literature can
There is reasonable debate over whether it is preferable to teach secondary school students only about national literature rather than teaching them about a broad range of literature from all around the world. This essay
There is considerable debate over whether it is preferable to teach national literature versus global literature to secondary school students. This essay examines the reasons for both perspectives and outlines my belief
Some argue that literature from one's own country is enough in nursery education,others,meanwhile, are opposite of the view that every student should learn the literature of the whole world.In this essay,I will explain b
It is undeniable that education prosperity plays a crucial role in children’s future professional lives. It is argued by some that it is not worth studying literature, like novels and poems, during secondary school. Alt
Some people believe the important knowledge is only science , they think the literature is nonsenese. its really a hoible idea and unfair . Next paragraph I will try to discuss how bad is this idea and tell some detailes
In recent years it's been a topic of discussion whether teaching literature is helpful for students or not, Some argue that it is a waste of time while others believe that studying it is important. In this,essay I will
Some people have faith in that studying novels and songs are wasting of their time for secondary school learners. To a major extent i bolster with the viewpoint. My preference is explained further.
It is often argued that learning literature is not necessary for high school learners. I completely agree with this point of view, as I believe that there are many other relevant subjects for high schoolers ,while the li
It is often argued that learning literature is not necessary for high school students. I completely agree with this point of view, as I believe that there are many other relevant subjects for high school students and lit
There is some objection against studying literature who thinks that it is such a time-consuming subject in high school. I totally disagree with this opinion, which I believe that not only reading or writing novels and po
It is argued that literature is useless for high school students as a studying subject. I totally disagree with this opinion, because books and poems increase teenagers’ emotional intellect and broaden their mind.
It is an inevitable fact that education plays a pivotal role in moulding one's life. While some people believe that subjects like poetry should be part of the secondary education curriculum for the overall development of
It is an inevitable fact that education plays a pivotal role in moulding one's life. While some people believe that subjects like literature should be part of the secondary school curriculum for the overall development o
Undeniable, in school curriculums, literature is an essential subject. But some people think that other units such as science, math, etcetera are more important than novels and poems. In my opinion, every study field has
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