IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There are those who believe that being old it is bad despites that, nowadays it is more beareble to get old. I believe that getting old is part of nature and despite of the advances in medicin the outwards are more.
Growing up is a crucial cycle in all living creatures. People have no choice but to unavoidably become older as time passes. While many people believe that the elderly is more easier to live in modern society, there are
Growing up is a natural mechanism inside all animals. People cannot avoid from getting old. While there are some voices claiming that became the elderly are easier to live in modern world, I tend to believe that having a
As technology develops, life expectancy has been significantly extended. Although some people harbour a belief that getting old is a negative thing, others hold the reverse viewpoint that it is much easier to live in mo
Thanks to the development of technology and medical fields, people nowadays have an easier life than in the past.Although some people harbour a belief that getting old is a negative thing, the improvements in life have w
Growing older is a natural part of our lives. While many people would view this with a pessimistic attitude, others believe that getting old would make life easier in the modern setting. In the following essay, I am goin
In contemporary times, one school of thought holds that being elderly is harmful development, whereas others assert that it helps their lives be more comfortable. This essay attempts to shed light on both perspectives be
It is generally acknowledged by certain individuals that becoming old is a drawback in contemporary society as they cannot adapt to a new environment. However, regarding this, others assert that a life in old people is g
Aging is inevitable for everyone of us. Some find it an absolutely terrible thing that has no good for anyone, others believe that as the elderly, living in the modern society turns out to be much more comfortable and
When it comes to the effect of the increase of age, opinions vary from person to person. Some are firm believers that becoming an elder is disadvantageous, while others argue that it is not a serious thing nowadays. Nex
When it comes to the effect of the increase in age, opinions vary from person to person. Some are firm believers on that becoming elder is disadvantageous, while others argue that it is not a serious thing nowadays. Next
When it comes to the effect of the increase of age, opinions vary from person to person. Some are firm believers on that becoming elder is disadvantageous, while others argue that it is a piece of cake nowadays. In my vi
On one hand, senior people undergo various changes within their body and these changes may contribute to a cognitive decline. Firstly, The body undergoes various physical and metabolic changes over the decades and this l
Nowadays, an ageing society is a noticeable issue. Some people have the fear of getting old while others think it is not a serious problem in this modern world. In my sight, I agree with the latter one, and I will analyz
Nowadays, ageing society is a noticeable issue. Some people have the fear of getting old while others think it is not a serious problem in this modern world. In my sight, I agree with the latter one, and I will analyze b
As the upliftment of medical science, the life span of humans is prolonged when compared with the past decades. While some claim that aging has more pitfalls than merits, some believe that they can obtain a high standard
In recent years, the volume of elderly people has witnessed a considerable increase in the contemporary world, which made more and more people concern about the problems of getting old. While some people reckon that it w
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