IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Many students to study in a group or study alone at home every day. I think people have different views about whether students work collaboratively or study by oneself.
It is argued by some people that it is more better for particular group of adolscents to study with classmates together on a project, while for others better to study themselves. Despite studying alone can gives more fre
Nowadays studying is one of the most common issues. Some people think that studying in a group is more effective whereas others believe that it is better for them to study on their own. In the essay, I will shed light on
Methods of studying have been arguably the most challenging situation of a student. While some people think that kids are more suitable to learn by themself, others prefer to engage in a group. This essay will discuss bo
Although some people argue that study in a group will increase the efficiency for students, while others think study alone it is more effective. In my point of view, I believe study with other people is better for person
Contained in the bar chart is data pertaining to the number of foreign visitors in 3 resorts representing 3 cities of Vietnam between 2000 and 2006.
People have different views on whether students should learn with others as opposed to studying alone. While there are some benefits to obtaining knowledge by themselves, I do believe that cooperating with others and mak
It is suggested that learning a subject in a group may be more productive than studying alone, at the same time some people have an opposite view. In this essay, I will overview both opinions and give my own in the concl
People have different views on whether it is beneficial to study alone or not. While there are many adverse impacts to finishing their studying independently, I do believe that there are more benefits than drawbacks. the
There are many models for efficient ways of studying , but the question of whether learning in groups or as an individual is a better way evokes discussion . This essay will discuss both views before stating my opinion .
In recent years there has been an uprise in creating study groups for students. Some state that learning as a group is better while others claim that is better to study alone. In my view, it is better to study together.
Some say group study is much more effective than studying alone, while others think the opposite. So, firstly, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of learning in a group and secondly, about studying alone and
There is growing sentiment today that what is the most effective study method for students. Some people believe that it is better for students to work in teams, while others think that they need to study independently. F
There are always some discussions about how to study more effectively, and people have different views about studying in a group instead of studying alone. It is true that both of them are effective and have some advanta
In recent years, the argument of whether students should study in groups or individually has drawn wide attention in the education sphere. While some believe that individual study is the most appropriate approach for aca
The community have opined that, if students learn within the group, it is more impactful for them. Whilst others think that studying on lonely, it is better than others. In my view, learning in a club is very advantageo
In this day and age, there is much argument about whether studying in a group or studying alone is better. While there is a common belief that studying alone is more attentive, I am of the opinion that studying in a team
Many people are of the thought, that studying in a group is more effective, whereas, some people think that studying in an isolation is a better way for them as they can focus more when alone. This essay will cover both
Education is undeniably one of the important factors for a successful career in the future. Thereby, the curriculum is constantly changing for decades to find the perfect one to ensure that juveniles have sufficient know
In modern society, there is a wide range of teaching styles. Therefore, some think that learning in groups is more effective for students, while others believe that it is better for them to learn alone. It is clear that
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