IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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There is a school of thought that learners can train in a group while others feels that it is better for them to revise individually.These views while observed from different perspectives will have their better side but
Good academic results come from a lot of toiling that needs a lot of support.Style of study is a hotly-debated phenomena that some individual delibarate that it is more efficient for undergraduates to learn in a set whil
In the pandemic period, there have been a lot of consdering between students about which is more effective to study in groups or alone. Some people assume that group studying has some significant benefits. Howeve, others
It is argued whether group work is an effective way for study. Individual learning is by no means fundamental access to knowledge while more benefits are shown on collective learning, as we shall see.
In order to persue a higher score in an exam, it is a controversial topic about which studying styles are the most successful method for learning. Some students are eager on a group study, whereas others prefers to indiv
While some people believe that it is more fruitful for students to learn in a group,others would argue that it is superior for them to study alone.Both sides of this argument will be discussed in the essay below before m
In today's ever-changing world, the role of studying in groups continues to be a controversial topic in the effects on students even though some people opine that studying alone is the more impressive way for children. H
People have different views about the effectiveness of group study as opposed to working alone. While there are some benefits to study independently, I believe that group work is normally more productive.
Few people assume that combine studies are more effective than self study. Upcoming paragraphs will give details views of both and also my opinion.
A highly controversial issue relates to whether the best method to learn is studying in groups or if studying alone brings more benefits. In this essay, I will examine both points of view and explain why I believe that t
People have different views about effectiveness of group study as opposed to working alone. While there are some benefits to study independently, I believe that group work is usually more productive.
Majority believe that studying in group is more useful whereas other think that private studying is much better. I would emphasize in group educating.
A suitable learning method can bring out the best of a student. Thus, people’s opinions have long differed as to which is the better way for students to study, studying in groups or studying individually. In my opinion,
People have different views about whether it is more effective for students to study alone or in a group. While it is useful for students to do something alone, I believe that group study is better.
Education is the window of the world, there are many kinds of education system available today. A great deal of students are concerned what kind of lessons they want to attend. Some think private class with tutors, wher
To achieve academic success is becoming challenging as the day goes by, and so, scholars put in enormous effort in a bid to succeed, as such, individuals come up with varying opinions. Some think that better results are
While certain people believe that doing a study in group with other students is an effective way of learning for students. While, others argue that, studying at their own pace has more benefits for pupils. In my opinion,
According to some people it is better to have lessons one-on-one, while others prefer gaining knowledge with group lessons. In my opinion, the best and appropriate way of gaining knowledge is a one on one lesson compared
According to some people it is better to study in groups while for some it is not easy and they like to survey alone. In my view studying in groups gives you more opportunity to learn new and innovative ideas. Consideri
People’s opinions differ as to whether or not students should be studied together, while there are some arguments against that students should study by themselves would be more efficient. I still believe that it is appea
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