It is important to notice that population share in every country will eventually increase in 2040. USA and Sweden has steadily rise for the whole period. Meanwhile Japan was declining from 1940 to 1980, but in due course
The pie chart illustrates the income sources and expenditure of a children’s charity in the UA over 12 months and considerate for donating food, community, program and government, fundraising, management and general.
The installation depicts the proportions of Australia's trade with other 3 countries in the world between 2002 to 2005. This rate is interpreted using the Australian currency: the AUD billion dollars.
The table provides key information about the population under poverity line,avarge income per person and age in three states in UNITED STATES. The unites are measured in dollars and persentages.
The table compares age, typical revenue per person, and people under the poverty line in three different states in the USA. Overall, it can be seen that younger individuals tend to live in Utah, while older people prefer
First, water from the sea evaporates due to the sun's heat and forms clouds. These clouds then produce rain, which falls on the mountains. The rainwater is collected in a reservoir behind a dam.
I am writing this letter to complain about an internet issue that has been affecting our daily routine for one month. We are not sure what is the problem of not proper connection, but as we know the towers of your compa
The line graph illustrates the data about US energy (petrol and oil, coal, natural gas, nuclear, solar/wind, and hydropower) consumption from 1980 until its projection in 2030. Overall, the highest consumed energy is pet
Global warming is increasingly recognized as a significant threat to human existence in the 21st century, with sea levels rising at a concerning pace. This phenomenon brings about several serious problems that demand urg
These two pie charts illustrate the rate of money that the kid's charity get and uesd in the united state . It clear that the revenue sources total amount higher than the expenditures.
These two pie graphs illustrate the major sources of energy in the year 1980 and 1990 in tha united state. It clear that there are fifve types of sources that are used .
The two pie charts illustrate 5 primary sources of eneragy(oil, natural gas, coal, hydroelectric power, and nuclear power) in the United States between 1980 and 1990.
Nowadays, there are distinct sources of energy between renewable energy, clean energy and other types of energy. The presented pies demonstrate the prime source of power in the USA in the disparate periods in 1980 and 1
These days, we have access to technology which helps us to have a good life; nevertheless, it has another aspect which is really harmful and a main result of it is global warming which is an important threat to Earth's i