Global warming is one of the most pressing issue facing our planet today, moreover, consequences of a warming climate are becoming increasingly evident, with rising temperatures. In this essay, l will attempt to shed li
Universities are the in charge of producing numbers of graduates carrying the knowledge they learned. Many people argued that students who went to universities must acquire the skills and knowledge they need in their car
The line graphs illustrate the information about a number of goods, which were transported by different modes in the USA since 1990 and previsions for 2040.
The provided pie cart compers the percentage of their daily intake of various nutrients in the averge person in the USA consumes in each meal or snacks they comper the (the added sugar ,soudium,and saturated fat)
The graphs illustrate the proportion of four daily meals ( breakfast, lunch, dinner , and snacks) incloud differents nutriernts that average individual in the USA intake, and it is might be unhealthy for them.
The line graph illustrates the number of energy consumption in the USA in six different kinds of fuel, starting from 1980 along with its prediction until 2030. Overall, it is clear that the number of petrol and oil consu
The table illustrates below gives information about the USA's top exports in 2021 and the proportion change with 2020.The bar chart provides the percentage of the USA exports sent to the UK from 2010 to 2020.Oveall, it
The table illustrates the top exports in the United States in the year 2021 it also shows the change in numbers from the year before . While the graph explains the percentage of exports from the US that were sent to the
The first bar chart shows the number of marriages and divorces by US citizens between 1970 and 2000 in millions. The second bar chart illustrates the marital situation of adult Americans in 1970 and 2000 in percentage.
The bar chart depicts marriage and divorce rates in the USA for the years 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2000. This is accompanied by an another bar chart illustrating percentage of American adults who were married, never married,
The line graph compares the American participation on jobs in Industrial,technical,sales, agriculture and other services fields within eight decades commencing from 1930.
We are living in a world where the academic environment develops than ever before. Some citizens reason that colleges ought to supply the graduate with the knowledge and skills for students' future jobs. Others think tha
In the past, people utilized plastic bags for multiple purposes, such as shopping because of their durability and convenience of use. However, nowadays, some people believe that plastic shopping bags should be prohibited
The bar chart compares males and females in terms of the proportion of their favourite film types, and pie chart highlights the percentages of income from general ticket.