The pie chart illustrates the percentages of visitors travelled to the Australia resort while the table displays the data of travellers about activities, accommodation and length of stay based on the four different regio
The given line graph depicts the number of visitors travelling in Caribbean island over a period of 7 years, starting from 2010. The data is measured in millions.
The graph depicts a biofuel production which is Ethanol. It is a circle which consisting of eight steps from initial carbon dioxide to final Ethanol. Moreover, the final ethanol will join the circle in the next time.
The digram shows the life of a frog from infancy to adulthood. The process may seem complex but it is quite straightforward owing to the fact that the stages of its life cycle are similar to each other.
Both graphs illustrate the number of travellers,who were from Asia,Europe,America, and others, visiting Australia on a holiday related to the duration of stay, categories of accommodation, and what popular activities m