IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The chart illustrates the level of regular physical activity according to sex and age groups in Australia in 2010.
The bar chart depicts data on male and female regular physical activity in various age categories from Australia in 2010.
The given bar chart illustrates the data about males' and females' regular physical activity in different age groups from Australia in 2010.
The bar graph indicates the amount of Australian males and females in percentage in various age groups based on their regular physical activity in The year 2010.
‏This report derives from a bar chart which illustrates the Number of males and femals from diferent generatia do Some exercise for thier body they live in Australia in 2010 . Overall , There was a different age groups f
The bar graph illustrates the proportion of people in Australia of various ages who worked out regularly in 2010.
The bar chart given illustrates the proportion of Autralia's citizens categoried by gender and age that performed regular exercise in 2010.
The given bar chart illustrates the percentage of girls and boys with age group-related physical activities in Australia in 2010.
he bar chart illustrates the percentage of Australians engaging in regular physical activity in 2010, categorized by gender (male and female) and six distinct age groups.
The bar chart demonstrates the bonus range among genders from six different maturity groups in Australia doing regular physical activity in 2010.
The bar chart illustrates the proportion of both male and female people in six different age groups in Australia doing regular physical activity in 2010.
The bar graph above delineates the total percentage of men and women in Australia who did physical activities in the year 2010, based on their age group.
The bar graph illustrates the proportion of Australian male and female citizens in different age groups participate in particular physical activity in 2010.
The diagram below is representing the percentage of Australians pursuing physical activity, in 2010, in different age group and different genders. It illustrates that although the rate of active women was almost constant
The graph below depicts 2010 rate of men and women who did regular physical activity in Australia in 2010, grouped by age.
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