The bar chart depicts how the illiteracy rates varied according to the region and gender last year. Overall, what stands out from the bar chart is that the developed countries showed the least illiteracy rates in both ma
The given chart depicts the percentage of a lack of the ability to read and write through 2 standars which are region and sexes around the world in the previous year
The chart illustrates the provisional global lack of education rates per gender and area in the past year .in each of ( South Asia,Arab States,Sub-Saharan Africa,East Asia/Oceania and developed countries)
the chart demonstrates the global illiteracy expansion in regional and gender-related measurements in the year 2000. overall, it is clear that South Asia was the absolute leader in the number of people of lower literacy,
The bar chart depicts the estimated illiterate population across six different regions categorized by gender in the past year. Overall, it's evident that in each region, the percentage of illiterate females is higher com
Contained in the given bar chart is the information pertaining to calculated world illiteracy percentages by area and by both sexes during the last year.
The given bar chart demonstrates illiteracy rating around the world, distributed by region and by gender. Overall, South Asia region prevails the highest female illiteracy percentage and the rating of women exceeds men i
The bar chart beside illustrates approximate illiteracy rates in the world, divided by region and by gender, in a specific year. The figures in the vertical axis are in percentage. The male and female sections are repres
The given provided bar chart illustrates the proportion of world illiteracy rates in across six regions (Developed Countries, Latin American/Caribbean, East Asian/Oceania, Sub-Saharan Africa, Arab States, and South Asia)