The given bar chart depicts the rates of the world's illiteracy estimation that were categorized by region and gender in the past year. Overall, the trend showed that the competency of literation among females and males
The graph gives information about the illiteracy rates in the world based on regional and gender during the previous year. Overall, the illiteracy rate for females is the highest for each country, especially in South Asi
The bar chart illustrates the number of estimated illiteracy people in six regions from the last year, divided by gender. The rates were measured in percentages.
The bar chart illustrates the percentages of illiteracy around the world by region and by gender from the previous year. Overall, it was estimated that the percentage of illiteracy among females was bigger than males in
The bar chart illustrates gender-based comprehension of literacy by percentages and makes comparisons in six different regions. It is notable that developed countries have a significantly lower rate compared to other dev
The graph illustrates the approximate proportions of people who cannot read and write in one year among 6 different regions while demonstrating the percentages according to gender, the locations included; South Asia, the
The bar chart illustrates the proportion of illiteracy worldwide for last year and is divided by continent and sexual identity. Overall, women had a higher functional illiteracy rate compared to the gentleman in every re
The bar graph compares forecasted world illiteracy rates by male and female in six areas for the last year, measured in percentage. Overall, the figures of illiterate women were higher than men in all regions, predominan
The bar chart shows global rates of illiteracy broken down by gender and also area for last year. It is clear that some areas have a much higher proportion of people who are unable to read or write.
The bar chart represents percentages of uneducated people by region and by gender in the last year. Overall, three regions, Sub-Saharan Africa, Arab States, and South Asia, have the highest rates of illiteracy, while the