The line chart illustrates the number of visitor that comes and goes from UK between 1979 to 1999, while the graph shows the demanded countries that often visited by the UK citizens. Overall, the amount of visitor has in
The bar chart illustrates how many male and female students studied sciences, mathematics, social sciences, languages, humanities, the arts, literature, and law in 2005, with the data measured in thousands. Overall, it i
The graph illustrates the digit of visits to a commune internet site in the first and second year of usage between 12 countries starting from September to August.
The presented bar chart illustrates the number of people who they visited four various museums in capital city of England (London) during five different month( June, July, August, September, December) in 2015.
The bar chart illustrates a comparison of the average number of car jounrneys each day into the city centre made by riesident and non-residents over a decade from 1996 to 2005.The data are measured in numbers.
The chart compares the number of individuals who visited museums in London City at the variance of months in 2015 . Overall , It is clearly seen that the National Museum had the least number of visitors during the year .
The bar chart and pie chart provide information about the attendance of men and women in various evening courses at an adult education center in 2009, and the age distribution of the participants, respectively.