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The provided picture illustrates the way in which wasted glass bottles are recycled. Overall, three primary stages are shown on the diagram, beginning with the used bottles gathered and ending with the packing and delive
The diagram illustrates how wasted glass bottles are recycled. The process consists of three stages, beginning with the disposal of bottles and culminating in the delivery of the reprocessed containers.
The picture depicts the manufacturing of renewable wasted glass bottles, which consist of three steps, such a garbage transportation method, generating new products, and renewable products forward shelves in supermarkets
The diagram shows a method of used glass bottles' recycling‚ consisting of 3 stages. Overall, the wasted glass bottles are collected at the collect point which are transferred to the factory for recycling then are sent
The pictures illustrate the stages of recycling wasted glass bottles.
The chart shows the process of recycling glass bottles and the waste of glass. Overall, the glass has three colours: Brown, green, and transparent. Not all glass bottles sold in the supermarket have been through the recy
The process illustrates how waste mirror bottles become capable of use.
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