IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The pie chart illustrates the percentage of destinations of Anthropology students who graduated from a single university, whereas a table compares the salaries of these graduates in five years of being employed.
The charts provide information on the occupation destination taken by anthrophology alumnies and how much they make in work after five years. Overall, more than half of the graduates student worked as full-time worker wh
The pie chart and table illustrate Anthropology students outcome after graduating from a university and their income after five years on this job.
The pie chart displays what one university's graduating Anthropology students went on to do after completenig their undergraduate degree, while the table illustrates how much those students earned after 5 years.
The figures describe the post-graduate condition of Anthropology undergraduate students. The pie chart compares where they want to go percentage-wise while the table provides details about their income (in dollars) after
The pie chart compares the percentage of individuals who are the graduation of Anthropology from a common university in terms of employment. The table chart shows the rate of anthropologists' income after five years work
The pie chart shows what one university’s graduating Anthropology students went on to do after completing their undergraduate degree, while the table illustrates how much the anthropologists who found jobs earned after
The given chart illustrates the variety of the activities for the anthropology graduates from the same university. The salaries of them are showed in dollars after five years of work.
The supplied pie chart illustrates the proportion of destination of the students who graduated from the university, while the given table represents the average monthly income of distinct types of employment for 5 years
The pie chart displays some job prospects for an undergraduated anthropology students, while the table illustrates professions' salaries in 5 years duration. Overall, more than half of the graduates do a full-time job an
The chart and table illustrate what Anthropology graduates from a particular university did after finishing their undergraduate degree and their salaries after five years of working.
The given pie chart illustrates the proportion of destinations of Anthropology graduates while the table represents the difference of salaries after 5 years’ work due to different types of employment. A glance at the cha
The pie chart below illustrates the type of employment that learners of Anthropology do after their tertiary school whereas, the table shows the income that they received during a period of five years.
The table illustrate careers of Antrophology graduates after finishing their studies from one university while table give us information the wages of the antrophologists employees, namely freelance consultans, government
The pie chart gives information on the contribution of each journey that Anthropology graduates from one university had after finishing their undergraduate degree course, meanwhile, the table shows the wage comparison af
The pie chart gives information about the percentage of the situatoin of the Anthropology graduates from an university after their bachlore degree.In addition, there is a table that showes the salary of the students af
The pie chart illustrates the destination of Anthropology graduates after getting their degree from a university. The table provides salary information of anthropologists after five years of work.
The pie chart illustrates the destination of anthropology alumni from one university. However, the table reveals how much these graduates earn after 5 years of working.
The pie chart illustrates the proportion of students after finishing their undergraduate degree in Anthropology while the table depicts the amount of their income after 5 years. Overall, the biggest proportion belongs to
The chart illustrates after completing graduation study from one institution , what Anthropology graduates did.The table gives the information about incentives of these graduates after five years of work.
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