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The diagrams illustrate three different of normal percentages of nutrients in wide range of meals. If all types of ingredients which sodium, saturated fat and sugar, it would be harmful will eaten quite much.
The charts above present an overall total share of three different nutrients that are further subdivided into constituent parts which are the meals that are mentioned follows; breakfast, Lunch, Saturated fat and added su
The present bar charts compare information about the average percentages of three different nutrients( Sodium, Saturated fat, and Added sugar) which are used more than people need and might be unhealthy in daily meals na
The pie graphs illustrate the average amount of three unhealthy nutrients, namely, sodium, saturated fat, and added sugars, in regular meals. Overall, the proportion of sodium in dinner ranked first, which was followed b
The pie charts illustrate the proportion of three different kinds of nutrients consumed in American people’s typical meals.
The three pie charts illustrates the average consumption of sodium, saturated fat, and added sugar by meal.
The proportion of sodium, saturated fat, and added sugar contained in three American daily meals along with snacks is demnstrated by the pie charts. It is also notable that the excessive intake of the aforementioned nut
The pie charts illustrate the average proportions of particular foods of three kinds of valuable ingredients which may be unhealthy if American people consume too much.
The charts clearly demonstrate the proportion of sodium, saturated fats, and added sugars in the four daily meals of Americans. Overall, it is evident that dinner has the highest saturated fat and sodium content, whereas
The charts clearly demonstrates the proportion of additives in four daily meals of Americans, which are considered unhealthy if consumed excessively. Overall, it is evident that dinner dishes have the most amount of satu
The given pie charts are figures revealing data about the proportions of meals including three kinds of nutrients, which could have a negative impact on our health.
The pie charts provide information about the average proportions of three categories of nutrients in each meal in the United States: sodium, saturated fats, and added sugars. Excessive consumption of these nutrients can
The pie chart depicts the proportion of three different types of nutrients, such as sodium, saturated fat, and sugar which are consumed during breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.
The diagrams illustarte the percentage of usuall meals in tree categories of nutrients, that could be unhealthy if used more than enough. The amount of using Sodium(s) and Saturated fat(sf) are almost in the same level.
The following pie charts illustrate the average percentages of three types of nutrients: sodium, saturated fats, and sugars, in typical meals consumed by Americans.
The pie charts provide key information about the average proportion of three types of nutrients sodium, saturated fat, and added sugar in four meals that might harm an individual's health if consumed excessively. The uni
The pie charts illustrate information about the average percentage of three types of nutrients: sodium, saturated fat, and added sugar in typical meals, which may be harmful if consumed too much.
The pie charts illustrate the average percentages in usual meals of three types of nutrients, encompassing sodium, saturated fat, and added sugars. If they are untaken in an excessive amount, it will be detrimental to ou
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