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Over the past few decades, there has been a profound increase in tourism which has led English to become the most common language globally. It is believed that, if this continues, English will be the only language used a
There is no doubt that these days that English language is become one of the most important languages that people around the world take it as a formal manner to communicate with other. The question is, why does the popul
Tourism is developing which gives stong contributions to English as the only predominant language worldwide, resulting to English as the only language used all over the world. There are some benefits and drawbacks to thi
Over the last few years, the number of people who prefer to speak English has increased significantly. Although there are several advantages to speaking English, it can be some disadvantages as well. In this essay, I wil
The world statistic shows what globally tourism can make famous for countries. Furthermore countries which spoken in english can be very familiar for people of world. And some people count this mean for England countries
Since there is an Increasing of the number of tourists in the global, English has become the top spoken language. Some believe that all nations should speak English as world’s language. However, there are benefits and dr
Nowadays, English has become essential in many parts of the world due to the increasing number of travellers. Many individuals claim that English will be the one and only language on earth. This essay will first look at
Many people believe English will be the only as their primary language due to tourism effect. Having only one language to be spoken will impact the connection and development of other countries globally, however it might
In this contemporary era, the provision of speaking English is growing at an alarming rate due to tourist industry. Therefore, some individuals claim that it will become the merely one spoken language world wide. This es
Today, english becoming prioritized language and widely spoken language around the world.Some people argue that it may become only language in the world that exist in future and other languages may be dissapeared due to
Nowadays, tourism industry results in developing english as a predominant language across the glob so that rarely can we find anyone taking responsbility in this sector that does not know this language. This essay argues
Nowadays, as the quality of life has improved worldwide, tourism has boomed across the globe. As a result of this, English is becoming the most essential language in the world. People have different perspectives, as some
In recent years, there has been a noticeable trend where many people believe that English will become the only language to be spoken on a global stage due to its prevalence in the tourism industry. In this essay, some me
The increasing of tourism recently gave impact to people to use English more frequently over others languages in the world. People said that it can make English become the only language which people use to communicate in
Nowadays, English becomes more and more prominent language in the world due to the development of tourism. While some people believe that this will lead to English becoming the only language in the world to be spoken glo
English has now become the most bold toung in the globe and for that credit goes to evoluation in tourism. This has made some people believe that English will become the only langauge to be spoken worldwide, There are fe
English has become the most well known language in the world, due to the development of tourism. This have made some people believe that the language is gradually making its place, to being the only language spoken world
Since flight has become cheaper and more modern, it is easier for people to go overseas these days. Because there are so many foreign people in a country and they need to communicate with local people, English plays an i
Nowadays, English, to improve tourism, is the most considerable language used by many countries in all societies. Some believe that English will be a common means of communication in the whole world because of its univer
Thrives in the tourism sector helped English turn into the most important language all around the world. People tend to tolerate that this will help English become the only language spoken worldwide. Having one language
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