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It is widely argued by a few people that the style English is gaining prominence due to the vast increase in tourism all over the world, which will pave way for it to be the only jargon everyone will speak. In my opinion
Globalization made this world a global village. As a result, every nation shares various languages with each other. However, amongst all, English is the top one and widely spoken language around the globe due to various
There is no doubt the English is the langugae used for different people from diverse cultures around the world. Now a days, this idiom is required not only for tourism. English is needed for business, scientific outcomes
Many people have started learning English as it is known as the common language to communicate widely. One group thinks giving the highest importance to English may make it as a famous one whereas another group believe
Language is an integral part of human existence. Some people think that due to tourism, English is becoming the most spoken and used language around the world as a result, other linguals are at stake. In this essay, I wi
It is thought by some people that English, which is now the most widely spoken sound in the earth, may one day predominate over all other languages and result in their eventual disappearance. Having one dialect would cer
In recent times, there has been a significant surge in the travel and tourism industry; which has promoted English as a language to prevail in many countries. Although it is stated that this will have a global benefit, i
It is an acknowledgeable fact that English is the most widely spoken language if the world and theorists have attributed tourism as the major reason for its rapid growth. The advantages of having one dialect globally are
Increase in tourism has resulted in English becoming one of the most important languages in the world. Therefore, many believe that as a consequence, English will be the only globally spoken language. Although this will
A language is the identity of a culture and depicts its versatility to the world. In this regard, owing to the recent surge in people travelling and migrating excessively, a few translators quote that such movements of p
It is being argued that many people believe that having English as one language globally to be spoken will lead to boost tourism around the world. This has several advantages and disadvantage, which will be discussed fur
There is no doubt that English becomes one of the world-renowned language. The spread of this speech flourished many international ventures dramatically. Despite this, the negative aspects of this can also be identified
One of the most conspicuous trends of today's world is a colossal upsurge in the English language spoken globally. Many people claim that travel and tourism will accelerate this trend. Although, there are undoubted benef
Over the years ever-expanding growth of the tourism industry helped the English accent to gain prominence around the globe. As of result, It is often argued that the whole world will adopt the English as a sole accent fo
English language is becoming common all over the world come in the development in tourism. Some people are assuming that this will lead to English becoming the only language of communication. This essay will discuss both
Tourism has turned the world into a global village. English is one of the most spoken language in the world and eventually it will take over the whole world. Speaking the same language will result in better communication
In recent times, due to the ease of travelling, tourism has flourished across the globe. English is spoken mainly in the western countries, who have additional spending power at their disposal, consequently, tourism has
Historically, war and slavery had played an unavoidable role in setting the groundwork for the popularity of English before tourism industry helped it to reach the climax in the early 21th century. The situation has yet
Historically, war and slavery had played an unavoidable role in setting the groundwork for the ubiquity/popularity of English before tourism industry helped it to reach the climax in the early 21th century. The situation
Nowadays tourism increasing growing day by day all over the world. Most of the tourist's prefer English as their communication medium. So in turn, tourism immensely helping English language to grow further. However, some
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