IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The diagram demonstrates the process of recycling organic waste to garden compost. Overall, this includes 5 stages, each of which goes in a plastic container of 2m in volume. It is notable that the fourth stage lasts for
The diagram depicts the process of producing fertilizer from recyling organic waste. This essay will describe the process involved in forming a compost.
This cycle depict the way in which garden fertilizer is made from recycling orgabic waste. Overall, it is clearly apparent that the process consists of 5 steps, from preparing the container to harvesting the final produc
The illustration demonstrates the production of garden fertilizers from recyclable organic waste. Overall, it is a 5-step, lineer, man-made process, starting with waste, grass, food, glass, nitrogen and water to produce
This diagram illustrates fives steps of recycling organic waste ( like newspapers, grass and food ) to produce a final product : a compost ( garden fertilizer).
The diagram intricately delineates the systematic utilization of organic waste to yield nutrient-rich compost tailored for agricultural purposes.
The diagram below illustrates the linear manmade process of creating a garden fertilizer made of organic wastes. Overall, the process includes several stages with a long duration at the last one.
the diagram gives us information about recycleing of organic trashy to reproduce garden compost , overall it can be seen that there are 5 stage to produce garden fetlizer by recycle unusfull objects .
The line graph depicts how to recycle organic waste to manufacture garden fertilizer.
The given diagram illustrates the steps of the production of garden fertilizer by recycling organic waste. Overall, it is obvious that this process of manufacturing compost includes 5 basic stages, starting with prepar
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