The given plan illustrates information about the numerous transformations in a specific town in Europe after the building of a hydroelectric power dam over a 20-year preriod between 1990 and 2010.
The diagram illustrates the planned development of Willington at three different time points: 1950, 2000, and 2030. Overall, there are plans to build commercial, sports, transport, and residential facilities, while farms
The maps depict the significant alterations in a town from 1990 to 2010 following the construction of a hydroelectric power dam. These changes reflect both the benefits and environmental impacts of such a development.
The given maps illustrate the development of town of Kimsvile in 2002 and now.Overall,it can be seen clearly that at the present, there are fewer trees than 2002.Additionally, there are more facilities for entertainment
The maps show how the town of Westley has been changed from 1815 to now. Overall we can see that there are many changes in the last 200 years and Westley has developed a lot.
The maps illustrate the development of Westley in two hundred years. Overall, the living standard in this area has improved since more facilities has been built since 1815. In 1815, Wesley was a residential area with not
The two maps illustrate the renovations in the town of Westley from 1815 to the present day. Overall, it can be seen that almost all green land has been converted to facilitate transportation, while there has been a redu