IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The maps provide information about how the school developedover aperiod of 30 years. Overall, what stands from our playing fields is smaller and the center of the school has bared between 1985 and now. Looking at the det
The maps provide information about how the school developed a period of 30 years. Overall, what stands from out playing fields has smaller and the center of the school has bared between 1985 and now.
The illustration of an unidentified school represent few changes from 1985 to present.
The plans illustrate the past layout of a school in 1985 and the layout at the present time. Overall, it is apparent that the school has undergone particular modifications due to the growth of student populations, includ
The map presents information about the differences of the school area, that happened from 1985 to present time. First of all, the amount of space changed as some structures were demolished.
The maps provide information on how the school area has been transformed from 1985 to now. Overall, it can be seen that new facilities have been constructed to accommodate more students, which significantly narrowed the
The two figures illustrate the differences between a school area in 1985 and the present.
The given maps illustrate school development between 1985 and the present condition.
These two maps illustrate the differences at this school.between 1985 to current time.
The maps detail a school floor change in the past which is in 1985 and present time.
The map illustrates how school layouts changed from 1985 to now.
The map illustrates differences between the school in 1985 and in the present day, along with the number of students in the school. In overview, there are many significant changes appearing on the map and students increa
The two maps illustrate the noticeable changes in one school from 1985 to the present time. Overall, the first map shows the layout of the school in 1985, while the second map describes the current layout after a develop
The diagrams describe how the layout of the school has transformed since 1985.
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