IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing in connection with the invitation for the surprise birthday party of Chris on Monday. I never forget the time we had together at Sepid School. He is swamped with works and she has a tight-schedule so I belie
I am writing to inform you that It is a good idea to invite me to surprise Chris during her birthday party . I would like to say that it is a more interesting and miraculous decision to have a nice birthday party. I thin
I am writing for Chris’s surprise birthday party. I read to your invitation card. First of all, i want to say thank you beacuse you invinted to me even if i am so far. I hope chris will be extremely happy because, we kno
am writing to express my pleasure for Chris's birthday occasions. I am glad that both of you remember me. Definitely, Chris is going to have fun. Since she is the kind of a person who loves gatherings with friends and fa
I'm writing to thank you for inviting me to your place on the ocassion of Chris birthday.I'm sure that Chrish will enjoy the party as he is turning 18 ,I also heard many of our childhood friends are attending the party a
I hope this letter finds you in good health and in high spirits! I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the invitation of your son's birthday party. I am flabbergasted that you are leaving no stones unturned to
Hope this finds you well. I am glad to know that you make your mind for learning physical activity. According to my humble opinion, I suggest you to learn badminton as stadium is nearby your residence.
I hope you are in pink in health. I got happy shock after hearing the news of birthday celebration of Chris in India. Undoubtedly, Chris will be on cloud nine by celebrating his birthday because he will get chance to me
I'm so glad, that you invited me for Chris's 18th birthday party. Chris is a kind hearted boy who love little things, such as surprise parties, gifts, small talks and many more. He will surely get surprised, because he w
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