IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The world has seen a huge increase of students that choose to do a university degree abroad lately. By doing so, students from developing countries are able to attend classes in the most prestigious universities around t
Studying abroad had become increasingly popular over the past few decades, with thousands of students leaving their home countries every year to pursue higher education in foreign countries. In this essay, we will examin
Nowadays studying abroad is easier, than in the past few decades. Especially living in the European Union, where travelling, and migration is possible without any restriction on European citizens. In this essay I am goi
Thanks to globalisation, new and affordable ways to move between countries have become a daily reality. It created new opportunities for students to study in a foreign country. In this essay, I will analyse the effects t
It has been suggested that immigrating, in order to study , is not easy at all,However, admission can learn a variety of skills from this experience.This essay will analyse the benefits and the drawbacks of studying outs
These days, more and more people are starting to think about studying abroad. In the past, more students finished university in their own country which is a very good option, but now teenagers have a chance and opportun
In the last decade, when undergraduate students obtain their degree, they prefer to study in their own country. However, today they have more facilities to study abroad. This essay will present some benefits and drawbac
Today, there are more people who study abroad than in the past. This essay, my opinion leads it to, will try to describe both advantages and disadvantages of the rise in the number of opportunities to study abroad with
In recent years, it has become much more common for students to complete their degrees overseas instead of in their home country. Many people believe that there are significant benefits to doing this, while others argue
Nowadays, students have wider opportunities to acquire higher education in a foreign country, compared to the past when they could only study in their own country. In my opinion, this is primarily due to increasing econo
It is said that in every period of,time people wanted to progress and develop themselves.In apply ancient,times individuals didn't have the opportunity to do as people can now and due to this they settled down in their m
Today foreign study is a global trend. More and more students are studying overseas, nowadays whereas, in the past university education was restricted to the home country. There are both merit and challenges of studying
In the 21st century where numerous career and educational opportunities are being explored, a number of students are planning to study abroad at foreign universities. Although people of the older generations didn't pract
Many people used to study in their local city after graduating high school, whereas some individuals, nowadays, prefer educational institutions from foreign countries. The following essay will look at the benefits of stu
In old times, students normally completed their university degrees in their home country to attain better career opportunities. However, presently, pupils have become more pragmatic in nature and chose to enrol themselv
Nowadays there is a tendency that students tend to study abroad, especially in developing countries, like China, and India. In my opinion, this new trend both has advantages and disadvantages, I would explain in the foll
In the past few decades, it became popular to graduate from foreign universities instead of local ones because of the new possibilities that let people get a variety of professions in other countries. This fact has many
Each year, tremendous international students depart from their motherland, flying abroad for academic learning. Many of them are admitted by prestigious universities. Internationalized education has been an unstoppable g
These days, students are lucky to have an opportunity to study overseas while before that was hard to realise. This improvement has both pros and cons and in this ,essay I will set out to explain why.
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