IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is believed that a boost of globalization, because of the expansion of businesses in every nook and corner of the world can bring tons of advantages. I totally agree with the given statement, and this essay will furth
Globalization helps businesses and organizations to scale up on an international level. I agree that globalization produces positive effects among people, but not for everyone. It has problems intrinsic to it, which need
In modern society, the discourse surrounding cross-national corporations and the accelerated process of globalization remains a topic of great interest. While some individuals champion the notion which can be seen as ant
It is true that globalization and the development of international corporation companies are changing the world in a positive way, in my opinion, however, I don’t believe that everyone can benefit from this trend.
It is true that globalization and the development of international corporates companies are changing the world in a positive way, in my opinion, however, I don’t believe that everyone can benefit from this trend.
It is true that globalization and the development of multinational companies are changing the world in a positive way, in my opinion, however, I don’t believe that every can benefit from this trend.
Obviously, there are no arguments that multinational companies and global trade benefit our live in many ways, such as more employment opportunities, products with higher quality and lower price, as well as multiculture.
Whereas some negative aspects are associated with both international firms and their products,in my point of view, its positive footprints on the whole of the world surpass in various aspects.However,both sides are expla
The growth of “globalization” allows businesses or other organizations to develop international influence or start operating on an international scale. I completely agree that this era of multinational business produces
It is considered that the rapid growth of international corporations and their cross-border development has a positive impact on the people around the world. I completely believe in this statement since there are seve
Since the World Trade Organisation (WTO) has been founded, all countries are tightened by trading in terms of multinational companies. While Some people support that increasing globalisation is beneficial for everybody,
Some people are of the viewpoint that there is a positive consequence for the people by not only expanding national as well as international organisation but also the elevation of the globalisation. I strongly bolster t
Some people are of the viewpoint that there is an affrirmative cosquences for the people by not only expanding national as well as international organisation but also the elevation of the globalisation. I strongly bolst
Some people are of the viewpoint that there are a affrirmative cosquences on the people by not only expanding national as well as international organisation but also the elevation of the globalisation. I strongly bolste
It is argued that the expansion of international companies coming with a rise of globalization brings people big opportunities. I completely agree with the said statement. This essay will discuss different perspectives
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