IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The table illustrates data about the subway railway system in London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto, and Los Angeles with given information about the date it opened, the distance of each route, and the number of pas
The table chart illustrates date of the undergraound railway systems in London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto and Las Angeles with the number of opened, kilometers of the route, the number of passenger year in milli
The table describes the statistics on underground railway systems of 6 different countries with three categories.
The table illustrates figures of underground railway with date opened, kilometres of route and number of passenger per year in six different cities.
The given table illustrates information about underground route structures in 6 divided cities, showing data about opening dates, route length, and the number of annual passengers in millions.
The table below compares six different underground systems in terms of their opening date, length and the number of passengers per year.
The table illustrates the detail about metro system operated in six cities regardling three features, namely, starting year, route length and annual passenger number. Overall, the railways which began its operation befor
In the graph presented it is comparing the energy production from 1995 to 2005. the two pie charts represent the percentage of material that it is being used on. the graph analyzes a 10 year difference in Energy Producti
The table above graphically shows statistics of six different cities' underground transportation systems. The data shows the opening date, how long is the route, and the quantity of civilians that use the railway. The ta
Information on underground railway systems in half a dozen important cities is illustrated in tabular form here, along with the parameters which are the date opened, kilometres of route, and passengers per year (in milli
The presented table illustrators information about, underground railway networks among six categorized countries, units are measured in millions. From an overall perspective, it is clearly that the oldest underground us
The table provides information about six underground railway systems in terms of their opening date, their length, and the number of annual passengers.
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