The table compares data about the subway systems of six chosen regions in three different countries namely the United Kingdom, the United States, and Japan.
The above table provides information about the distance of routes, the number of passengers annually as well as the opening dates of railway systems in six different cities. Overall, it is apparent that the three older r
The given table illustrates three pieces of information about the six different cities' underground railway systems; the date opened, the length of railways' route, and the number of passengers every year.
The table provides information about how long routes and the number of passengers used metros railways systems per year in millions in six different cities with the date opened.
The table shows the information on the underground railway system in six cities namely, London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington, Kyoto and Los Angeles. The information includes the date at which the system opened, how many kilo
The table indicates details on 6 cities’ railway systems. The specifics include the dates when these opened, routes measured in kilometres and yearly commuters expressed in millions. Overall, London’s underground railw
The chart below shows data on the underground railway complexes between six different cities (London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto, and Los Angeles).
The table depicts the underground railway system in six different cities such as London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto and Los Angeles with related data such as date opened, kilometres of route and passengers per ye
The given table illustrates some pieces of information about underground rail line systems in 6 major cities such as London, Paris, Tokyo, Washington DC, Kyoto, and Los Angeles. The information has been provided based on
The table reflects the details related to the underground railways systems across different locations, taking into account the following information: data opened, kilometres of route and passangers per year.
The table illustrates the data on the operational year, length of network in miles and number of commuters traveling annually in millions by the underground railway in six cities across the world, namely London, Paris, T