IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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It is true that there are numerous towns and cities around the world that were built in earlier ages and were habitable and more suitable for people back then than they are today. However, as societal and environmental f
Centuries ago, cities and urban areas were developed globally for the convenience of residents at that time. However, these landscapes are more harmonious with past lifestyles than with those of current residents. Old ci
It is generally accepted that the construction of cities and buildings over the past decades was more suitable for living than it is now. According to the individual's perspective, I argue that there are many problems wi
In contemporary times, numerous individuals reside in towns and cities constructed many years ago, which may no longer adequately meet the needs of modern inhabitants. This essay aims to analyze the challenges posed by a
In ancient times, cities were cemented on societies' sustainability for living, in contrast to the towns and households constructed in the present time. This could potentially create cluster neighbourhoods and foster an
It is true that most countries choose to keep the historical and ancient towns and cities lived by previous people. Although there will undoubtedly be some negative consequences of this circumstance, society can take eff
With the advancement of society, a phenomenon has been paid more attention by the public, which is that many towns and cities in the world were constructed in previous centuries and were suitable for citizens in the past
These days and age, there is a multitude of residential areas that were built many decades ago. These places are suitable just for individuals who lived in this period due to this appeared many problems now. In the follo
In the previous century were build a numerous cities. However, there are not so suitable for nowadays issues as towns which were constructed today. There are some massive problems which have old built cities.
Many towns and cities in Europe were built back in the medieval age. Those towns and cities were once flourishing and livable, but centuries later, not only the buildings are not suitable for modern living, but the zonin
Many old buildings in the city attach great historical and architectural value to the residents. However, because of the rapid change in modern society, these impractical buildings also cause some problems. Reconstructio
Ancient cities and town built by ancestors, some of them have many years of history. Also, these cities located all over the world in different countries and areas. In this article, I will give opinions about what caused
It is true that many towns and cities built in old ages for our ancestors exist in the modern world. These historical towns cause several problems and methods should be taken to solve them.
Numerous cities have houses and replanning and rezoning designed and constructed centuries ago. These structures may not be able to meet contemporary needs, so they require renovation or reconstruction.
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