The bar graph gives previous ratio and also depicts the future percentage of people living in six different countries namely, asia, africa, Europe, latin America and oceania in three different years (1950, 2007, 2050).
The bar graph represents the proportion of individuals who are living in cities. The graph depicts the evolution of the population during 100 years of study, taken in 6 different areas of the globe, such as Africa, Asia
In the bar chart is shown the percentage of the world's population living in urban areas, it highlights that many people have moved to urban areas between 1950 and 2007, in addition in predicts that even more will do th
The bar chart illustrates the growth of the population between 1950-2030 in three different years. according to the chart, the percentage is getting higher. In 1950 there was a little percentage of people lived in Africa
The bar graph represents the proportion of individuals which are living in urban areas. The grapch depicts the evolution of the porportion during a 100 years study, taken in 6 different areas of the globe, such as, Afric