IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Eating unhealthy feed has an unfavourable consequences for both individuals and the society where they reside. Some people are of the opinion that the government should impose a levy on junk foods while others believe th
It is generally agreed that implementing crispy and fatty food or salty snacks in our diet can cause serious problems related to our health. Despite many people think it may be a convenient way of eating, I believe these
In the recent modern world, by developing internet technology, social networking becomes a part of daily activities in the person's life. Many people argued that the influence of these networking has a negative effect on
Social networking sites like Facebook and Instagram have gained tremendous popularity in recent years among the youth. Many people think that these sites have a huge adverse effect on both individuals and community. I co
This essay will discuss the issue of taxing high-fat products. While some people see this as a solution for the growing amount of obese humans, others think it is not fair and not necessary to make unhealthy foods cost m
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