IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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My application to study at your college has been accepted and I would be very thankful if you would take some time to answer a few queries I have before I will move to Dapperton.
I am writing this letter to request my accommodation facilities. As an international ,student I have no idea or experience with my accommodation. On the other ,hand I Do not have anyone and no relatives in the UK.
I am going to start my college education next year in the UK. I want to stay in a college Hall of Residence. I would appreciate it If you can give me the information which I need.
I am going to study for my marketing bachelor's degree next year from September in London and planning to stay in the college Hall of Residence and I would like to know more about this place.
I am writing this letter to express my interest to stay in the college hall of residence for the first 10 days as I am very new to this place and also coming from a different country. As I mentioned in my application I w
I am writing to inform you that I am going to be part of your school early next week. In that case, I would like to stay in the residence's college hall.
I am writing this letter to inform you that I would like to stay at the Hall of Residence as I am going to start my study at this college from next year. I am an international student so I need accommodation with food. L
I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing this letter to you in order to get you favour for the accommodation needs at Hall of Residence next year.
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