IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing this letter to complain about a view you presented in the newspaper. The piece stated that towns all across the country are identical and they do not have any personality.
The Persians, who lived in present-day Iran, were one of the first civilizations to build tunnels that provided a reliable supply of water to human settlements in dry areas. In the early first millennium BCE, they introd
Hope you are doing well. I am writing this letter in reference to your recent article stating that all town centres looks similar across the globe. However, I deny this statement and reasons are mentioned further.
I am writing this letter to you in reference to an article I read from your yesterday’s newspaper, and I have contrasting opinions about the town centers in my country compared to the published article in your newspaper.
I am writing this letter after reading an article in a national newspaper which says that town centres in my country are alike to each other. I apologize, but I do not fully agree with your opinion.
I hope you are doing well. I am writing this to express my disappointment about some parts of the article, which you published in your newspaper last week. The article was about town centres in my country, India. I agree
I hope you are doing well. I am writing this to express my disappointment about some parts of the article, which you published in your newspaper last week. The article was about town centres in my country, India.
I write to express my appreciation for the beautiful review you gave in your newspaper about the town centres in my country, Honestly, your detailed explanation about the structure of the building and how they are usuall
I am writing to bring to your attention on article which claims that town centres of all countries are looking same to each other in a national newspaper is incorrect. I am giving you my view in the following paragraph.
I am writing in response to your article, which was published in the last issue of The Moscow Times, and I would like to express my disagreement with the controversial statement about the homogeneous nature of Russian to
I am writing this letter in relation to an article that was published by your 'Daily Mail' newspaper. I am Jaspreet, a loyal follower and appreciator of this newspaper.
I am writing this letter because I have read your article about town centres in our country. I am a person who had lived in different towns in Turkey and now I live in Istanbul. I have experienced cities over 10. So, I t
I am writing this letter with regard to your article published in the Times of India, which claims to have similar kind of town centre all over the country. I am an habitant in the most popular city of India, Gurgaon, fo
This letter is in regard to the recent article written in a national newspaper highlighting that town centres across the nation look similar to one another, and to explain why this is not the case.
I am writing this letter in regards to express my dissatisfaction in response to an article about the similarity of Downtown in Canada. I totally agree about the round shape and size of approximately 16.6 square kilometr
I am writing this letter to express my concern regarding an article in a national newspaper that was published last month. I do not completely agree with the fact that all the town centres in my country are similar to on
I am writing this to express my concern regarding the article published in the city centre of Ahmedabad in Time of India on 28th January. I agree with the point that it is old and has been the same for years.
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