IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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After reading your advertisement I understand it could be a wonderful experience for me to come to your country and live with your family. I will have chance to know new people, to know a different culture, to learn new
I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. I am writing this letter to you regarding the advertisement shown in the newspaper for taking care of your child.
I saw your advertisement on the Australian magzine about your child care. I want to express my interest for this job and I look forward to taking care of your 6-year-old child.
My name is Parthvi and I am writing this letter to show interest in the employment opportunity that has been advertised by you in an Australian magazine. I strongly believe that I would be the perfect fit for this positi
I am writing this letter in response to an advertisement published last week on one of the leading Australia family magazine where you asked for a short term like in caregiver for your six-year-old child .I have the righ
I am writing this letter in response to an advertisement, published last week on one of the leading Australia family magazine,where you asked for a short term live-in caregiver for your six-year-old child.I have proper e
I am writing to you to inform you and express my interest that I would like to be considered for the position you are offering. I have seen your advertisement in an Australian magazine and decided to contact you.
I am writing to apply for the position of a babysitter that was recently advertised in the magazine «Australian time». As a mother of two children, I believe I have all the required qualities for this job.
I read an advertisement in an Australian magazine for living with your family and looking after your six-year-old child. I am writing to inform you that I am interested in applying for this job as I am doing a course in
I read an advertisement in an Australian magazine for living with your family and looking after your six year old child. I am writing to inform you that I am interested to apply for this job as I am doing a course in Chi
Hope you are doing great. I am writing with regard to the job opportunity for child care in an Australian magazine.I attached my resume to this email so you can see my experiences and education.
I am writing to let you know that I came across an advertisement published in a magazine in Australia. I have a huge interest in starting this job.
I am writing to express my interest in the six-month child babysitting job advertised in an Australian magazine. I believe my past experiences make me well-suited for the position, and I want to emphasize that I can add
I hope you are doing great. I am writing to enquire about the job vacancy of babysitting advertised in an Australian magazine for a six-year-old child. I am really interested in a career opportunity where I can spend my
I am Preeti and i have seen an adversitement in local magazine for care taker who stay with your family and look after of your six years old child for few months. i would like to apply for this job as i am staying just n
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