IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing this letter in relation to a small accident that occurred at Walmart to me last weekend. I am Navneet kaur, resident of the nearby building named as Collin. I visit this supermarket most often to buy my clot
My name is Georgiana Liu living near one of your branches in downtown Stouffville. I am writing to bring to your attention the accident that happened to me inside your supermarket last Sunday afternoon.
My name is Georgiana Liu living near one of your branches in downtown Stouffville. I am writing to bring to your attention the accident happened to me inside your supermarket last Sunday afternoon.
I am writing to complain about a tiny situation that I had as an experience in your supermarket yesterday. In addition, I am Lily, your well-known customer, due to the fact that I am your loyal regular client. Moreover,
My name is Keira Knightley and I live near your supermarket. I am a regular customer of your supermarket and I shop frequently there. I am writing this letter to complain about the accident that happened to me 2 days ago
As you can see from my address I live in the flat next block from your supermarket. I am writing to complain about a minor accident I encountered at your supermarket.
I am writing this letter with regard to a small incident I was involved in your Aldi store at Leila st, Carnige, over the last weekend. I feel very concern of the safety meassurements that are not being taken,unfortunate
My name is SABER Youcef, I reside on 11th Street, two blocks away from your store, I shop frequently from your supermarket and I have been a regular customer for over 5 years.
Good day. I would like to inform you that recently I have met with an accident at your supermarket yesterday at 6:30 PM, western park branch, Sydney, Australia.
My name is Navdeep Kaur living near Surrey Central in Vancouver. I am writing this letter to complain about the incident that happened yesterday in the supermarket.
My name is Narges, and I write you this letter to inform you, I had an accident that cause a minor injury to My leg, yesterday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock when I was shopping at your Supermarket.
ny name is Narges, and I writte you this letter to inform you, I had an accident that cause minor injury on My leg, saterday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock when I was shopping on your Supermarket.
My name is Tsungai Mukozho and I came to your supermarket yesterday afternoon around 3:00 pm for a few grocery items for my house.I slipped and fell next to the milk fridge at your store ,there was milk on the floor tha
I am writing to register a complaint regarding a small accident that happened in your store. I would also provide suggestions on how such incidents can be avoided in the future.
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