IELTS Writing Samples Band 3.5

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Some people think that children are born with talents able to be professionals, while another groups assumed kids with no talents also survive as profesionals. The arguments both for and against children become profesionals with talents will be discussed in this essay.
In recent years, travelling by planes has been considered as a convenient commuting method around the world. While some people believe that only wealthy people can afford this mean of travelling, I strongly believe that general population can also be beneficial from flying.
These days people are becoming less interesting in reading in general ,and especially newspaper .No matter which country they came from they mostly prefer to use the internet .
School is an organization where the children are sent to lean and eduacte themselves for a better future. In most of the countries from the age of six to nineteen children go to academies for their educational purposes.
Residents of urban cities come across wide range of problems in day to day life such as water scarcity, traffic and so on. I do strongly agree that government on its part government should cheer people spreading out to decongest the urban areas.
As part of the school lessons, computers are playing an important role in each lesson and becoming the requirement. In my opinion, it is beneficial to students instant access to information on almost any subject. However, they get distraction easily by social media and computer gaming.
As a consequent of it the local business comes to an end. With the death of local communities. It can either be agreed or disagreed that the expansion of supermarket affects the local communities. This essay will discuss on the pros and con of the supermarket in some countries with its consequents.
Nowadays, electronic sources of news are more famous among lots of people as compared to the traditional method of reading newspaper. I would argue that newspapers will gradually be replaced by Internet for reading news.
Some individuals argue that the heightened price of petrol is the most effective method of tackling to growing traffic and environmental pollution. While I accept that this method is good in some ways, I believe that there are better measures for this problem.
Entertainment industry is considered as a highly paid industry in all over the world however it is a becoming eye-catching topic to discuss whether it is economically acceptable or not.
People have differing opinions with regarding to the question of whether history or science and technology subjects are more crucial in various school subjects. In my point of view, I believe that one of them could have a vital aspect. This essay would to discuss and give some examples to reinforce my view.
People have different views about the effectiveness of group work as opposed to working alone. While there are some benefits to study independently,I believe that group study is more productive
It is widely believed that children should be supported to participate in group activities in their leisure .However, others advocate that children should depend on themselves to take advantages of their free time .In my opinion, if children are engaged in group activities, they will obtain more benefits.
Nowadays poor nations need support of the well developed countries, so that government of poor countries can provide all the basic necessities of the lives to their citizens. In poor countries the most basic issues are poverty, nutrition, uneducated people, unemployment and commerce. I totally in favor of this topic and will share my views about it.
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