IELTS Writing Samples Band 3.5

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Housing is one of the basic things a human needs, and with the increasing population there is alway a high demand for building houses. In my opinion the houses should be built in the countryside, so that the population is evenly spread in the region.
It is widely supposed that it could create a few positive impacts on the labor force of the society if it is widely preferred working at home rather than going on a daily basis.
More students tend to be evaluated by tests instead of continous assessment. This essay will first suggest that creating a competitive environment is the biggest advantage and students are likely to deal with unecessary stress is a primary diadvantage.
Crime is something that started when the humanity started. It is growing tremendously even though respective laws and precautions are taking place as required. Some folks insist that by locking these people in prison will sort the issue while other states that this is not the ideal approach. I am going to discuss both these points before conclude.
The Internet has made learning free and  instantaneous to the populace through the use of gadget. Online learning is beneficial owing to the ease of learning and comfort it brings to people but there are also some drawbacks to be taken into account
Food habits, place an important role in each and everyone life. In this process, some choose not to eat meat while Other's to eat. We will discuss each of their point's as below.
Some people believe that they should rather save their money than pay tax to the state. In my opinion I disagree with this statement and believe that through the payment of taxes life is improved. This essay seeks to discuss this further.
comparatively address, today's youth seem to causes more power and influence because of development of technology, science and globalisation for so it also impact on relationship. this essay shed light on factors and its impact on bonds among elder people.
From the very childhood, both socially and religiously, we have been inculcated about cleanliness. Owing to this, we consciously try to keep our surroundings clean. I agree to the viewpoint presented here but only to certain extent.
It is argued that humanitarian aids should be be provided to impoverished nations by rich countries during crisis. This essay agrees that rich nations should provide humanitarian aids. Firstly, this essay would discuss that it is the humane thing to do and secondly, rich countries have more resources at their disposal.
It has become a global trend to dress and style hair in line with fashions in vogue, in my view this has added more advantages than disadvantages.
To begin with, majority of the people are suffering from the unwanted fat. This is due to the fact that,many of them do less exercise and phyisical activities which are the extremely important sources to remove obesity. Moreover sandatory lifestyle is also the biggest reason of overweight because people have to do sitting job where they have to stick on the one seat. For instance, people who are working in inforces companies they have to stick to their places for the whole day.
It is an undeniable truth that globe is unimaginable without technology.Infact technology is omnipresent.Although, online communication is a good source of time saving however,it is difficult to built a strong relationship since internet is only a virtual life.I would elucidate merits and demerits of online conservation in upcoming paragraphs.
In today’s world, individuals cloth themselves and style their hair following the trend in vogue. This will enable one gain recognition in any circle one encounters.
Nowadays, Poverty is the major issue in most of the countries. Some other are known to be developed one. So, the citizens of the former required support either from own nationality or else from the developed. Let discuss, in detail each of the options.
The governments should be the ones that control scientific research to a major extent but private companies should get involved in it too. In this essay, why scientific research should be conducted by both the government and the private companies will be discussed.
In recent times, the number of obese and overweight people in the country has been on the increase. This trend has become a challenge to the country's health system, so therefore I totally agree with those who opined that the most helpful way to deal with this menace is to inculcate more physical education lessons in the school curriculum.
It is generally believed that whatever has advantages also has disadvantages. It is a debated issue whether the pros outweigh the cons. I am of the opinion that advantages of car outstrip the disadvantages.
Some Educationists say that students should be organised into groups to study. While the others hold that independent study is better. This essay seeks to discuss the benefits of each study method and the most effective one.
Educational instistution's play an important role in each and everyones life.They provide the information, which is foundation for the future. Its an welcome move if they are going to make it. Lets discuss in detail regarding the same.
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