IELTS Writing Samples Band 9

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Nowadays, more and more adolescents are working for salaries or to maintain job skills, however, some individuals claim that is totally wrong while others say it is valuable to job experience, necessary for discipline and educating. This essay will provide my own opinion with relevant examples leading to the second community.
Nowadays, some kids can mindlessly scroll through their smartphones for hours on a daily basis. This phenomenon is happening due to the lack of care from families. Overall, I firmly disagree with this contemporary habit as it has a degrading impact on children's ability to focus and social skills.
In today's world, a huge number of jobs other than requesting enough skills in the main subject, require basic knowledge about another subject. This trend has made the students want to study additional subjects in universities. Although others think they must concentrate on their main major and it prevents them from focusing 100% on their subject, in my opinion, it is a necessity to learn today's job requirements to enter the workplace more easily.
Nowadays, the number of adults living with their parents is on the increase in some regions, even if they hold a degree or find a job. There are some upsides and downsides, but in my ,opinion the benefits of this type of living outweigh its drawbacks.
it is known that our lives have changed with modern life. Even though innovation makes our lives easier, it has brought some issues because every good thing has a bad side. If we compare its bad and good sides of course it has a lot of benefits. İ do not believe it affects us in a bad way. This essay will try to explain why people think it brings more problems.
All foundation school subjects should be focused on by the youths while believe students should concentrate on the topic they are specialised in and attracted to. Consequently, these issues have been argued extensively. In this, essay I will argue whether I believe which has the most potential for the youth.
People have always been concerned with their future. Some society members are of the opinion that we should not worry about the future but live in the present and take joy in life instead.I Partially agree with this opinion due to the reasons which will be discussed in the following paragraphs.
Education empowers knowledge, In today's circumstances, some people believe that it is essential for an educational student to have an intense ideation on their curriculum subject rather than knowing about its application in the real world. I strongly disagree with this perspective, as it is predominant for an individual to be aware of the facts behind every concept. This essay elaborates on the reason in the following paragraphs with relevant examples.
Taking a gap year off between finishing school and starting university has gained popularity in recent years. Moreover, the trend comes with several pros and cons worth considering. In my opinion, I believe that the benefit for students is to grow their personal development and career exploration, however, there are some detriments due to this delay that may impact study habits and affect long-term career goals.
Being obese was once only a condition that adults suffered from, but it is becoming more common in youths. This essay will first discuss how fast food and a sedentary lifestyle are the primary causes of this growing problem and then outline how education and increased exercise are the most viable solutions.
Issues related to government support for elderly people are frequently discussed these days. Although some believe that old citizens should save money for their future lives, others criticize this and argue that the government should offer financial support and care to them. The two sides of this argument will be thoroughly discussed and analyzed in the essay before drawing a reasoned conclusion.
The question of whether the authority should always be straightforward is a critical concern for citizens, often rooted in a deep-seated desire to safeguard the integrity and strength of the nation. In my opinion, the government should prioritize honesty to the people.
It is often argued that, due to the advancement in technology people will no longer spend money to purchase newspapers and books in some time to come because the consumption of people getting access to knowledge has shifted rapidly towards the internet. This essay agrees that individuals now get information about the world and read books on the Internet without paying any fund
The young adult proponents seek independence from their household as early as possible whereas the opponents fancy staying at their parent's house for a longer period. I believe that living under the same roof with your family has some advantages.
These days, every time we turn on television or flicking through the pages of newspapers, we learn about the impact of social media. There are some concerns about whether these platforms eliminate the direct interaction between people and people or not. In this essay, I will look at its pros and cons and also draw some conclusions.
For decades, the importance of cash has been enhanced among citizens. There has been a sharp increase in the percentage of materialistic swarms as time goes by ;however, there is some doubt about this process. In this essay, I will give answers to both questions appropriately.
In this fast-paced world, smartphones are top-notch amusement gadgets. Nowadays, children engage themselves with their phones for long hours as a routine day life. The arguments and discussions were visualised as they impart an equivalent role in a toddler's life. In the subsequent ,paragraphs both arguments were precisely discussed and will try to arrive at a conclusion.
Issues related to working long hours are frequently discussed these days. It is true that people's lifestyles today have been affected by work-life imbalance. Despite the fact that this trend has some advantages, I would argue that there are more disadvantages. This essay will explore how the drawbacks of working overtime outweigh the benefits.
Technological developments have changed how we communicate with one another as the Internet enables people to speak with a variety of individuals across the world without physical contact. Although some suggest that having exceptional skills is necessary to be well-known, I believe that having practical Internet skills and creativity can facilitate anyone to gain fame.
Issues related to shopping places are frequently discussed these days. Although some believe that such malls are absolutely the best places to visit for shopping, others criticize this and argue that local shops are much cheaper places as they offer low costs for the same products. In the following paragraphs, both sides of this statement will be discussed.
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