IELTS Writing Samples Band 9

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Without any doubt, in the present century, we have access to numerous technologies, through which we communicate and get information. Some of them are books, radio and films. However, including the large number of ,benefits these have a few drawbacks as well.
It is often said by some human beings that old people should be managed by the government, while others believe that it is mandatory that family should take care of them. In my opinion, the latter proportion appears to be more rational. This essay will highlight the both above-mentioned views in the upcoming paragraphs with proper explanation thus will lead to a logical Conclusion.
Expansion of E-commerce business would lead to a significant closure of physical stores in cities and towns soon. In my opinion, I would partially agree with this statement.
These days, more and more professionals are choosing to relocate to more developed countries for work. This happens mainly because of a better economy and a variety of job opportunities in richer countries. This essay will explore the reasons for this trend and discuss the possible solutions.
A group of individuals present the view that youngsters who are allowed to decide and choose their preferences on different subjects such as food, clothing and entertainment tend to put their own wishes above others in the future, whereas others believe that children should be allowed to decide on things which are associated with them. I wholeheartedly agree with the latter opinion as it plays a vital role in their growth process.
Many people think that children should be taught in school to recycle unused material, while others say that this training should be given at home. This article will discuss both views before a final statement.
More than any time in history, human beings are producing more waste products and this is increasing at a very alarming exponential rate. This essay discusses why I feel this is happening and explores the measures governments need to take to bring this under control.
Recently, many have argued whether governments' implementation of special taxes on consumable products with high levels of sugar is a necessary development or not. Two sides emerged: those who agree with it and those who oppose it. Both parties present solid arguments, which will be discussed below and attached with a personal opinion.
It has been debated that most of the entrepreneurs are supposed to relocate their organization to urban instead of being located in the main city. In my opinion, I think it depends on their situation.
At present, people wish to spend their time prioritising their well-being in a comfort zone. In many nations around the universe, countryside individuals are transferring to urban areas, so the population in the village is decreasing. The essay describes both views and it is a negative practice with the statement from my inclination.
Human’'s longevity is better than at any time in the past in many developed nations. While there are numerous benefits associated with living longer, the drawbacks of this trend overshadow the positives.
A huge part of some countries' population is youngsters in comparison to elders number nowadays. I personally believe that this issue can have many advantages and disadvantages, in other words, this is two sides of a penny but in my personal perspective, the disadvantages of this issue outweigh the advantages due to the reasons which will be discussed in the following paragraphs.
Plenty of people claim that it is essential to spend money on investigating space. I totally agree with the given statement. I suppose that the natural resources will run out, so people will need another place to live. The discovery of an appropriate planet can be invaluable. Furthermore, the study of the universe can lead to finding reasonable solutions for everyday problems.
Recently, social media has evolved and enabled its users to connect to people around the globe. Some say that it is a good idea to speak their minds and deliver some ideas through it. However, others believe the opposite of it. I agree that we should not talk freely about our own minds without boundaries because not everyone is able to comprehend what we are talking about, due to harsh words they are spitting towards us. Moreover, their actions are able to make us feel unhappy, thus making us stressed and overthinking.
In recent years, climatic change has been a subject of ongoing debate, with a number of individuals believing that it has harmful effects on business, while others advocate for its potential benefits. From my perspective, global warming can be beneficial for manufacturers who can seize the chance.
A number of the population believe that the public can be helped by commercials in different ways whereas others hold an opposite view. In this essay, I will discuss these two aspects and provide my point of view.
Advertisement is actually a way of casting a new product to the clients or informing the availability of any materials so that buyers can buy it very rapidly. Many people mention that it is the highest successful at persuading customers to collect things. On the other hand, the rest of the dwellers think that the process is not rare as well and they do not feel like paying any attention to it.
At present, every type of professionalism is significant for general humans in every province if it focuses on service purposes. Some individuals think that physicians and engineers have to work in which nations where they took training. Contrasting perspective from another point of view, they should be free to be involved in any country in accordance with their wish. The essay describes both views and I think they should be inclined to serve their own nation.
At present, every type of professionalism is significant for general humans in every country if it focuses on service purposes. Some individuals think that physicians and engineers have to work in which nations where they took training. Contrasting perspective from another point of view, they should be free to be involved in any provincial in accordance with their wish. The essay describes both views and I think they should be inclined to serve their own country.
Formal examinations are an important yardstick to assess the competency of an individual and their educational journey. This essay will evaluate the merits and demerits of using formal examinations. An opinion would be substantiated at the end.
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