IELTS Writing Samples Band 9

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Regarding the growth in technology, the number of kids who have access to these technological sources is increasing rapidly, as a great number of them tend to spend most of their daily time on their virtual lives. From my perspective, this statement is the result of upgraded technological devices that the companies are providing for individuals. Although I find this statement to be an extremely negative development for various reasons.
The majority of university students opt for learning various fields as well as their major while others believe paying attention solely to their qualification is more crucial. This essay will discuss both views and suggest my opinion in favour of the latter.
To begin, most people think that the loss of specific species of plants and animals is a main environmental problem. On the other hand, others believe that there are several more important problems. It has some bullet points which I will discuss in the forthcoming paragraph.
Academic studies have become a gateway to skills and prospective jobs. Yet, there remains some disagreement as to whether concentrating on qualifying in merely main subjects or pursuing some other related knowledge. While there are certainly valid arguments to the contrary, in this essay I would contend that gaining as much information as possible related to the main subjects is more advisable. Two primary reasons for this are as follows.
The trend of full-time labour among women has created a balance of chores and responsibilities with their spouses. Personally, I am completely in the same boat with this notion. This phenomenon can lessen the degree of patriarchalism and reduce the fatherless issue in a family. I will try to explain both benefits based on the condition of my country, Indonesia.
There has been much debate regarding the role of famous people in raising public awareness of the major problems. While some contend that celebrities can attract people’s attention to problems, others believe that they can make them less critical. In this essay, both sides will be explored, followed by my opinion.
Overpopulated countries experience severe pressure on local transportation systems these days. One path to resolve the issue is to develop public transport networks like a subway. It is agreed that the metro is the best way to get around big cities. This essay will highlight some advantages of underground trains and provide several examples to support the points.
It is often believed that museums and art galleries have reduced their importance thanks to a computer which allows people to see valuable artworks from the past. I generally disagree with this, for they offer a unique experience that is not provided by the digital device despite its growing popularity.
The debate surrounding an ageing population has garnered considerable attention globally, with opinions sharply divided. On one hand, an ageing demographic is perceived as a challenge for governments; on the other, it is seen as a societal asset. This essay posits that the benefits brought by an elderly populace significantly outweigh the drawbacks, given their wealth of experience and continued economic contributions.
Owing to the rapid growth of research and innovation in science, it is believed that the aim of science is to ameliorate living standards in society. I completely agree that scientific discoveries and technological inventions should be solutions for any problems human beings may be or are currently facing in order to have a much better life.
Most people in the world have a dream to live in an ideal society and lead a happy meaningful life. However, they do not have the same idea about what a perfect civilization would look like. I personally think that there are two indicators that can measure the perfection of a society in the modern world: proper infrastructure and employment opportunity. This essay discusses these factors and the ways to achieve that ideal association followed by examples.
Numerous experts assert that, in recent times, it is possible to assess the conduct of a child at the age of three to understand whether or not they will become criminals in their adulthood. In my opinion, while some personal characteristics can cause people to commit a crime, education and parental upbringing play a role in preventing children from criminal activities.
It is true that pollution is alarmingly becoming more serious due to the industries. While many people think that air and water pollution can be alleviated if the government expands the charges on numerous industrial areas, I agree with those who argue that other superior methods could be adopted to solve this problem.
Proponents believe that being extra-friendly with co-workers in our free time is a beneficial idea whereas opponents argue that we should completely differentiate our office relations and our social relations. In my view of thinking, interacting socially with work colleagues is good for making a workplace a happy place. However, sometimes being over-friendly with fellow staff creates some ethical issues with the disciplinary guidelines of the organisation.
In the current era, some individuals firmly believe that high school students must participate in voluntary community service. I totally agree with this opinion. It seems that this kind of voluntary job exerts a positive effect on teenager’s character. In addition, they can earn work experience through this involvement.
Some educators hold a belief that all children should learn to play a certain musical instrument. Despite the disadvantages associated with students' hectic schedules, I believe that this approach is a good way to discover young musical talents and provide healthy pastimes for youngsters.
Taxation is a key ingredient in the social relationship between inhabitants and the economy. Moreover, it assists in improving every aspect of the country’s quality of life. For instance, healthcare, education and public goods and services. Some say taxation is a big enough contribution to a nation, meanwhile, others think that human beings do have more duties as a part of association rather than only paying tariffs. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall explain my point of view.
The persistence of poverty worldwide has raised concerns about the effectiveness of financial aid. In my opinion, developed countries should utilize other non-monetary measures including educational opportunities to ensure the eradication of poverty.
With the advancement of urban developments, a growing rate of young adults from suburbs move to cities, seeking better employment. This leads to an imbalanced population between rural and urban areas. Some argue that this brings a positive impact on the country as a whole, while I believe that there are substantial negative consequences.
It is undeniable that roads and trains are the most essential facilities nowadays, the government must focus on them to provide nations an easy transport and a comfortable life as well. I totally agree with this statement and I think it will affect cities in a positive way.
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