The percentage of New Zealand population is shown in this line graph in the time frame of 1950 to 2050. This graph is divided into 4 main ages, those being 0-14, 25-37, 38-48 and over 65
This bar chart depicts the changes in ownership electrical appliances,and the amount of generation for the period from 1920 to 2019.It is clear from the graph that the electrical appliance helps the people for save and
The line chart shows the changes in ownership of electrical appliances and the amount of time spent doing housework in household in one country between 1920 and 2019. In this essay i will explain the information by selec
The given line graphs illustrate the proportion of shifts in ownership of electrical products and amount of time spent doing chores in households in one country over a 99-year period, from 1920 to 2019.
The chart shows correlation between electrical appliances and the number of hours of housework per week. From 1920 to 2019, every usage of electrical appliances went up. Especially the rate of people who use refrigerator
The line graph gives data on the proportion of children with respects to the total young population in the UK between 1990 and 2001. The proportion of children are categories in four age groups. Overall, the ratio of inf
The bar chart indicates the average of the population who passed in driving license compared to men and women in one country in Asia between 1980 and 2010.
The graph clearly depicts that four Asian Countries Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia have been changing companies over 7 decades from 1970 to 2024. The data is measured in percentage of the total population.
The line graph illustrates the usage of various Tv to watch. Overall, it is clear that, the proportion of people using the Desktop to watch decreased while reverse were true other TVs albeit at varying rates.
The line chart present U.S. consumptions of energy by fuel since 1980 with prediction for the next years .The six sources of energy were (petrol and oil,coal,natural gas,nuclear,solar and hydropower.
The provided bar chart reports the data about the proportion of individuals in British Republic who donated to charity based on their age for two years 1990 and 2010 respectively.