The bar graphs illustrate the total proportion of films released and the percentage of ticket sales in a country for the years 1996 and 2006. The vertical axis represents the total percentage of films released, while the
The line graph compares average amount of carbon dioxide emissions per person in United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Portugal over a period of fourty years between 1967-2007.
The aforementioned graph illustrates the percentage of females of various age categories that delivered their first child every 20 years. The years being compared are 1966, 1986 and 2006.
The line chart gives information about the manufacturing levels of fuel types such as petroleum, natural gas, and coal in the United Kingdom between 1981 and 2000.
The charts illustrate the type of new car trend that was brought by Australians in 1984, 1994 and 2014. In addition, there are two major types of cars that mostly consume, Sedan and SUV. In conclusion, although the trend
A glance at pie charts given reveals the percentage of new vehicle's sales in Australia in April 1994, 2004, and 2013. From an overall perspective, there was enhancement of the total of vehicle's sales from 42,900 units
The pie charts illustrate the new cars bought by Australians in 1994, 1993 and 2013. At first sight, we can divide the cars into two groups: the first group contains Sedans which are the most bought, while the second gro
The map describes the alterations of an area called Denham from 1986 to present. Overall, the city perfectly developed and it is clear that significant changes were made new buildings. The town was reformed thoroughly, s
The chart displays information about details of spending weekly income of families in one country between 1968 and 2018.Overall, most of the spending on weekly income in 1968 was higher than in 2018. While, there are 3 a
one bar graph precent indormation about the quantity of movie released, and the other the number of tickets saled in the cinema, both of them are divided in 4 categories, Drama, Comedy, Fantasy and Romance in two differ
The bar chart provides information about the average weekly spending by families in one nation, in the year 1968 and 2018. Overall, basic necessities such as food, fuel and power, clothing and footware, and personal were