The maps illustrate the current arrangement of a public library, and how it was 20 years ago. Overall, the library now has more free spaces and well-organised with some additional features like the Cafe and lecture room.
The bar charts illustrate the proportion of genres of movies released and the total number of ticket sales in the years 1996 and 2006 in a random country.
The map illustrates the city called Pellington which has a 120000 population. Three suggested areas for a new supermarket can be also seen on the map. Those areas are marked with letters A, B, and C respectively.
The line graph depicts the transition of CO2 emissions per person in four European states from 1967 to 2007. Overall, the United Kingdom and Sweden showed downward trends whereas the amount of CO2 emissions per person in
In the first chart, it can be seen the percentage of households with electrical appliances such as washing machines, refrigerators, and vacuum cleaners. According to the chart, in 1920, almost no one had a refrigerator i
There is a graph that shows the average carbon dioxide emissions per person in four different countries (the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Portugal) between the years of 1967 and 2007.
Nowadays, sports have a good effect on health, especially for the elderly. However, some older people do not have enough time for this activity. In my essay, I want to write to consider the reasons of refusal and find op
My name is Marco Dimonaco and I am writing to you in regards at the course that i am doing at Cambridge institute in Perth. This course named Busnisses and Manager is running every week day from 4PM to 6PM. As you may no
It is widely accepted that money issue is the main point by choosing a job. There are a lot of opportunities in the job market, but some employees rather put high income over other priorities such as personal growth or a
I hope this email finds you well. My name is Sandie and I was a student in your 2021 MBA class at the University of Tasmania. I want to share some exciting news with you. I have just been interviewed for a project manage
I am writing regarding the course I have been continuing at your institute for six months and I would like to discontinue it now. I am currently studying Information Technology in the evening batch.
The graphs provide proportions of electronic devices owners, specifically for washing machine, refrigerator, and vacuum cleaner, along with weekly hours of chores in a household from 1920 to 2019, with a 20-year gap betw
The pie chart gives information about the average individuals around the ages of 18 to 25 who used to watch TV channels in Canada between 2009 and 2019.