IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In today's world, science and technology have become more popular than history, particularly because technical knowledge and skills are updated quickly. Some argue that science and technology will lead our world toward a
With the advancement of technology and science, citizens’ lives have dramatically changed these days. Some people argue that history should be considered one of the most significant academic disciplines, while others dis
It is thought by a selection of individuals that History is an utmost subject in schools while others believe that Science or technology-related are more remarkable. In this essay, both viewpoints will be outlined before
With the advancement of science and technology, citizen's lives have dramatiaclly changed in these days. Some people argue that hisotry should be considered one of the essential subjects, while others disagree with this,
Undoubtedly, students nowadays like to learn practical subjects such as chemistry and physics but history subject has its own importance. Many humans believe that traditional knowledge is necessary to studying in schools
It is argued that the essential subject that students must learn in school is History. While others have said that instead of History, the world needs to study Science and Technology at present.
In the current societal context, there is a debate about whether some people state that history class is one of the most vital subjects to learn in school, while others argue that the subjects related to science and tec
In today's societal context, there is a debate about whether history or subjects related to science and technology are more important in school curricula. Personally, I believe all school subjects offer unique benefits.
One school of thought holds that History plays a prominent role in the school curriculum, while others believe that natural science subjects and Technology are more likely crucial than the other. This essay attempts to s
Although many argue that the acquisition of historical knowledge matters to pupils the most, I do not agree with this assumption because this expertise shows a lack of technical skills, and I believe that the pursuit of
It is argued that which school subjects among history, science and technology are more important in these days. I am of the opinion that technology and science play a greater role in the student's life, due to their effe
Some argue that history is a pivotal subject in school curricula, while others contend that disciplines such as science and technology hold greater significance. Although the study of history can cultivate an appreciatio
Some individuals argue that history is one of the main school lessons and other people believe that topics including science and technology are more necessary than history. While history subject can help pupils to pay at
Some people suggest that in high schools should take more time on the practical lessons like interpersonal relationship and business. Meantime, schools should reduce cultuarl subjects like history. In my views, I disagre
In nowaday, school subjects are become more and more. To people, the point of view of school subjects is so different, some people focused on History, some are intrested in Science and Technology. People value different
It is argued among individuals that history is the most crucial subject in school for students, however, some individuals have a distinctive view, they say in modern times, science and technology are the most important s
While every subject at school is crucial to some extent, many people have different opinions and beliefs regarding this matter. Some individuals say that history is one of the most significant subject at school; However,
In these modern days, some individuals argue History is quite crucial as a education subject, others believe Science and Technology are more valuable and relevant. In this essay, I will explain both of these views and gi
Nowadays, some people believe that History is an essential subject at school. Some others think that in today’s contemporary era learning science and technology are more beneficial than reading past. In continue, this es
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