IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Some people believes that sharing information is benefical to humans. Other believe that they should pay fee for reach the information because they may be too valuable. I agrre that sharing is helpful attidtude and. acad
In the eyes of some, information should be freely available in academia, science fields and among business entrepreneurs, whilst other people argue that such essential matters should not be widely accessible. This essay
Nowadays, some individuals are of the view that information should be shared more and more in scientific research, academic world while others believe that, because of its vitality and value, one cannot just dish out inf
Opinion are devided on whether it is good to share any information or whether important and valuable information must not be spreaded freely. While I may acknowledge the reasons behind the former view, I still firmly sup
In the contemporary era, a wide range of information plays a key role in our lives. Some argue that information should be easily accessible to everyone, from scientific studies to business resources and educational knowl
People have different views about whether extensive information in scientific research, finance, and the academic world should be shared for free or for a fee. While some may argue that such information is too valuable t
Some individuals advocate that information about scientific research, business and academics should be available worldwide (should be widely available) whilst some maintain that it should remain concealed because it is
With the rapid growth of technology, today we are facing a large amount of data in many fields, such as industries, hospitals, governments, etc. Some people argue that companies and other departments should share every i
Part of society is concerned about sharing data as much as they can, regarding the scientific investigation ,economy and education system. Some others are awareness to be shared independently the most necessary and imp
With internet, it is considerably easy for the public nowadays to access scientific, academic and business information. While some individuals encourage on publishing those information as many as possible, others value t
It is often argued that sharing numerous pieces of information in scientific research, business and the academic world is acceptable, while opponents say that our private details are inappropriate to be shared freely. In
Number of individuals suggest that data of scientific study, business and other academic paper should share as much as possible. In other hand, people consider that sharing an information is not necessary. In this essay,
Sharing information now is becoming more and more significant in our daily life. Some people hold the opinion that it is important to share as much as information as possible, nevertheless, towards the same issue, there
A substantial number of individuals presume that the superior way to develop society is the sharing of information freely between sciences and business communities But some argue that information sharing should be I must
A group of individuals present the view that it is beneficial to involve people in information related to scientific research, business and the academic world, whereas, others believe, there is some information which are
In this day and age, news always are cared about by all people. Some individuals argue that sharing as much data as possible in scientific study, business and the academic world is good. However, others oppose and believ
It is commonly believed that sharing too much fact in scientific research, business and the academic world is good. Others think that some information Should be hidden from the public and not anyone can know about them
Some society believe that it is good to share as much data as possible in scientific research, business and the academic world. Others believe that some report is too important or too valuable to be shared freely. This e
Some individuals think that sharing a lot of data in scientific research like business and the academic globe is good. But other people claim these data are too essential or worthy to be shared without paying the cost. I
This essay will explore both perspectives, ultimately arguing for a balanced approach the benefits of sharing information against the potential risks.
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