IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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I am writing to inquire about the unpaid work. I have been told that museum needs some pupils to work for the upcoming function. I want to participate in that as I need some more experience in security. I have already a
I recently received the news related to the voluntary work in the town museum. Well, I totally understand my responsibilities of being a responsible citizen. Along with this, my university have given me a project to do p
My name is Lucas Campos, and I am writing you this letter to express my deep interest in the part-time voluntary job that you are offering at the museum.
I am writing to lodge a formal request for one of your voluntary positions in the Darwin's Museum. I saw your advertisement in a local newspaper yesterday and want to become a part of your team.
I am writing to show my interest in the ownership work at the museum. I am an architecture student at Art University where located near the museum. However, I got to know about this news from your website.
My name is Son Nguyen, currently a sophomore at Ontario Tech University. I would like to express my interest in the job offer to be a volunteer guide at the weekend from August to April.
I am writing this letter to apply for the part-time position available in the museum. I am aware of the fact that it will be an unpaid position. I am willing to do volunteer work, because being a student of Arts will hel
I am writing this letter to inform you that I am available to do some voluntary tasks in the museum. I want this unpaid work because it is really important for my academics. This unpaid project will not only help in incr
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