IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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A plethora of people believe that wealth is more paramount than traditional values such as respect, compassion, and trust. In today's society, the wealthy hold the top position in the social hierarchy and are typically t
Currently, life success is measured by material possessions and social positions, it seems that values such as respect, love and confidence are not crucial anymore. This essay agrees with the idea expressed above. Firstl
When it comes to the new era, it is emphasised that background is better to show people value than other factors which relate to good personalities. The writer strongly approves of this notion due to the upper class has
People are rated on the basis of their money power or how well they put themselves in the society rather than reputation, good behaviour and truthfulness. These days a person is identified by his financial power or his s
In today's world, a person's worth is increasingly measured by their material possessions and social status. While some may be swayed by outward displays of wealth, I strongly believe that the traditional values like hon
In today’s world, a person is evaluated by his belongings and status in society. While, some people are impressed by the financial position of others, traditional value holders are trusted with huge responsibilities and
In this contemporary era, some individuals are said that the person who are owns properties and they lifestyle and moment can assessed how much their successful. In contrast, traditional perspectives such as humble, poli
In today's generation, torrents of people appear to be influenced by the material world. It is argued that high-profile people are often respected and appraised more due to their social status and physical possessions ra
People are becoming more and more superficial as the days pass by. It is true that a man is being evaluated based on his wealth rather than by his personality. But, as spirituality is on the rise everywhere, I feel the s
People are becoming more and more superficial as the days pass by. It is true that a man is being evaluated based on his wealth rather than his personality. But, as spirituality is on the rise everywhere, I feel that soc
With the effect of advanced technology, an increasing number of people use social media to show off their beautiful life, such as getting a promotion or buying a new car recently, in modern society. This trend is fascin
In our modern era, people’s values have significantly changed. While some people still follow traditional values, I strongly believe people’s judgments are based on each other’s money and wealth for two reasons.
There is no denying that people care about how others judge themselves. Although many people judge others based on their work or values of products they use, I believe that traditional values, including honors and kindne
People constantly argue over what factors contribute to a person’s worth. Some said people tend to give more importance to social ranking and wealth factors these days when deciding personal value without considering eng
Our society has progressed in many ways but regrettably regressed in terms of humanity. It is argued that a person's value is determined more significantly by their social stature and wealth as opposed to the core value
There are those who argue that children who are home-schooled is the best method of teaching. Meanwhile, some people give the opinion that going to school is way more important for a child’s development.
In this present times, some people argues that social status and material accomplishments are the basis to define an individual’s value and chivalrous behaviors are out of the picture. However, I completely oppose with t
To begin with, today's generations seem to care more about the superficial things than ever before. As a result, people started feeling lack of empathy towards other human beings. It seems to me that the real values have
Human society is changing rapidly and core values such as honour, trust and kindness are not as important as they use to be. It is believed by many that money has replaced those core human values and people are now analy
There are groups of individuals who believed that social status and material belongings are the basis of their worth at present time. Others opine that honour, kindness and trust which are the old-fashioned core values a
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