IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The medical field and healthcare services are advancing at a fast pace through the incorporation of science and technology in every aspect of disease diagnosis and prevention. This has further advanced the human lifestyl
The progress in science and other areas of society in the last century has changed the way people live and prolonged the life span. It is thought that the best time to be alive is now. I absolutely agree with this opinio
No doubt, with the advancement in the automation sector humans have prolonged their life expectancy and also significantly changed our community. A certain segment of society assumes, due to this, we have a better lifest
I support the fact that advances in science and technology has made our life comfortable as we are surrounded with machines which performs our chores for us, however, I am aginst the fact that this era is the best time t
Technological and scientific progress in the last century has introduced tremendous changes to our lives. It also prolonged humanity’s life expectancy. Some people think that now we are living our lives to the fullest. I
In many parts of the world nowadays we can notice the increasing science and technologies which extends our soul for significant years. It can be commonly seen in developed countries such as the USA, Japan and etc. I com
In many parts of the world nowadays we can notice the increasing science and technologies which extends our life for significant years. It can be commonly seen in developed countries such as the USA, Japan and etc. I com
There is no doubt that science and technology are essential. Over the previous century, different science fields have developed to serve in improving our way of living and decreasing the rate of humans morbidity in addit
Recent inventions in science and improvements in the tech areas and various other fields have completely changed the human activity in the last century. Life expectancy of masses has also increased which makes them to li
Nowadays, Science and technology are some of the most significant parts of our life. A lot of changes have been made in Science, Technology, and other areas of society, which encourages people to transform their lifestyl
In the past decade, we have seen exponential growth in the improvement of science and technology in our society. It is believed that these advancements also contribute to the longer mortality rate. This essay agrees that
There is no doubt that this century has witnessed a dramatic advancement in all walks of life. It is often thought this development has helped to improve the longevity for a great extent. In my opinion, I personally bel
The world has witnessed a remarkable evolution in the field science and technology and various parts of the society over the years. Over the last century, the level of advancements made in these categories has changed th
In the last century, many things have changed due to significant developments in many fields. Nowadays, modern habitats are living in a totally different world in comparison with past centuries. Personally, from my poin
Globally, advancements in the fields of education, technology, science etc., has been spreading aggressively. I completely agree. Despite the fact, that the progress makes human lives more sophisticated, most of us are f
It was widely considered that the modern lifestyle, human lifespan and quality of life are better than the past undoubtfully. I entirely agree with the above statement.
It is true that Technology and Science and other development have transformed the way we live making it much easier than before. In the last 100 years there is a rapid and dramatic development in many fields including me
The last century has no doubt seen tremendous advancement in the science and technology. This has redefined the way we live, in as much as it has improved standard of living such as medicine, travel, reduction of labour
It is a common belief that scientific and technological progress in the last century has pushed forward our lives so far that we can live much longer than earlier. Best days of humanity are passing right now. I strongly
Wonders like science and machinery and my others thing that has changed our living standards like our food , shelters and work and many more and hence increased our ages of living. Some people think that is the best tim
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