IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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Most countries import their organic product needs from overseas countries with the help of air logistics. Many people think that, it has bad impacts and the rest of the majority stays in opposition to the statement. This
Most countries import its organic product needs from overseas countries with the help of air logistics. Many people think that, it has bad impacts and the rest of the majority stays in oppose for the statement. This essa
There are various factors to consider when discussing which type of vehicle that most suitable for tranporting plant-based foods to several areas that lack the ability to grow plants or are out of season. The old view po
There is a controversial discussion about whether airliners have been the main harvest assistant towards uncultivated countries. In this essay, I agree that aircraft play an indispensable role in supervising the agricult
From my perspective,every coin has two sides.On the positive side,aircraft could transport fruits and vegetables to some countries where such plants hardly grow or are out of season,which mean that more and more people
In recent years, there has been a significant rise in aeroplane which is used for the delivery serve of fruits and vegetables. Some people hold the belief that importing these products by air freight is good whereas othe
Aircraft transportation plays a vital role in modern life. Many believe that it is very beneficial. On the flip side, some say it is unnecessary and extravagant. The present essay seeks to discuss the advantages of airli
Aircraft transportation plays a vital role in modern life. Many believe that it is very beneficial. On the flip side, some say it is unnecessary and extravagant. The present essay seeks to discuss the advantages of aircr
It is believed by some people that fruits and vegetables might be carried to some countries in which plants hardly grew or were not planted that fix with the process of season by the state-of-the-art aircraft, while some
There is an argument that they should use airliners to transit fruits and vegetables although they are hard to grow whereas others have the opposite opinion. This topic will be discussed in both views.
Aeroplanes would be used to transport yield and vegetables to other people which in such plants difficultly grow up or out of date. Some people think it is a good idea, whereas some people deny it. This writer will writ
It is argued that products of agriculture are transported to another poor country by aircraft is the best idea whereas some people object to that. This essay agrees with the statement because it can create strong relatio
Some people have some opinion that the numbers of aircaft used to transport for reaching fruits and vegetables to many countries of the world didn't grow or out of season. many others give an opposite argument because it
Aeroplanes have been used to deliver amounts of fruits and vegetables to countries which are out of season or plants difficult to grow. There are a number of people who believe that is a good idea, whereas others opini
Some people have some opinion that the numbers of aircarft used to transport for reaching fruits and vegetables to many countries of the world didn't grow or uot of season. Whereas many others give an opposite arguement
Many individuals dispute the amount of using aircraft to transport fruit and vegetables to countries where drought or out of season. I totally disagree with this statement and I will discuss my point of view.
The majority of people think that fruits and vegetables have been used to be transported by aircraft to some nations where such plants hardy grow or out of season is a good idea, while others say that it is not necessary
A controversial discussion point is whether fruit and vegetables should be transported by aircraft to others countries that hardly grow or out of season. I contended that the export will ensure food needs and support eco
The majority of people think that fruits and vegetables have been used to transport by aircraft to some nations where such plants hardy grow or out of season is a good idea, while others say that it is not neccessary. Th
It is argued by many people that planes have been widely used to deliver fruits and vegetables to somewhere like hardly grow or end season . It helps the crowd there have something to eat quickly. I agree that it is ver
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