Radioactive materials are present in nuclear energy. These radio active materials are a matter of serious concern to environment and human beings, which results in the ban of the nuclear power by many developing countrie
Nowadays, it is clear how the global technological and economic growth can no longer occur at expense of our environment. Few would debate that, while industries and transport still rely on traditional energy sources, li
As time goes by, it is inevitable not to use a variety of types of energy due to surprisingly high demand for uses from all over the world. Though it is true that any new styles of efficiency seem too difficult to use fr
Nowadays, a great deal of attention has been paid to energy problems. Some people insist that nuclear power should be banned since it accompanies many risks, and the government need to find alternative energy sources. I
Atlhough it is thought that auatainable alternative energy sourses that consume natural solar, wave, wind, and hydroelectric powers are unfordable due to expensive costs and complications of realisation that progects an
In recent times there has been a surge in the use of fossil fuels such as coal and natural gas creating a detrimental effect on the environment. However, eco-friendly and renewable methods of energy are being appreciate
Most of the nations, for the past few decades, face issues regarding the potential hazards of nuclear power. Of course, I completely agree with the concept that, such an energy source is unsafe and should be replaced by
Nuclear power is widely used. And, of course, there are many advantages to using it. 'However, in my opinion, I have to agree with the statement that it is far too dangerous to be used as a general source of energy.
In recent decades, renewable energy has become one of the most debated subjects all over the globe. Some say that the costs of producing environmental-friendly electricity are too high and we should not rely on this alte
For several countries, the main sources of energy are coal, oil and natural gas, whereas other countries are relying on energy produced by renewable sources, such as wind, sun and tidal waves. These alternative sources a
A particular issue about energy use has raised quite a concern at home and abroad. Some countries nowadays incline to use alternative energy resources rather than using fossil fuels that can cause a detrimental impact on
Current days every country is seeking for alternative and cheap energy source. In this way some technologies prefer to take energy from natural occurrence, some count it too costly.
In the recent years, many of the developed and developing countries are encouraging the use of solar and wind power instead of coal and oil fuels. There are numerous reasons for this shift and this enhancement also has p
It is no secret that the vast majority of global energy generation is made up by fossil fuels, namely coal, oil and natural gas. Nevertheless, renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar energy, are also being utili
In today’s world, fossil fuels have been widely used in countless regions. Nonetheless, by virtue of their adverse effects on environmental well-being, many countries have shifted their attention to natural energy includ
It is argued that using renewable potential for industry and consumerism is not cheap and even quite challenging to substitute fossil fuel like gas, oil,..While I accept that this change has several obstacles, I also bel
From the beginning of the industrial age, mankind has been using fossil fuels like coal to power its machinery. This has lead to an extensive use of these perishable sources of energy. Many would agree that this unrestri
Sustainable energy sources like the power of the sun, wind, and the waves are more costly and complex to become a substitute for fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas which are currently the main origin of power i
Fossil fuel, though extensively used, is not eco-friendly and its use comes with a huge cost - the environmental degradation. Considering the global warming and climate change, and the detrimental effects fossil fuels ha
Nowadays, it is possible to see a tendency across number of markets in adapting renewable sources of energy. In my opinion, this is a reasonable approach inasmuch as it positively influence on nature and climate preserv