IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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In modern life, general life skills such as painting and drawing are very important for student study in high school so they should be compulsory in this school. This writer disagrees with this statement because of lear
It is commonly said that art should be a compulsory subject in high school as art can improve students’ development. This writer agrees with this statement as it helps students perform better in other subjects and improv
Art leagues are believed to be obligatory in schools, as they promote the child’s growth. I strongly agree with his assertion for several reasons.
People have different views on whether compulsory art education has positive or negative influences on children. I agree that students should learn arts at the school, since art provides diverse opportunities to young st
In contemporary society, some individuals believe that art lessons, like drawing and painting play an essential part in the growth of all children. For this reason, art had to be allowed in high schools on over the world
In art lessons, painting and drawing are as vital t a kis's development as other subjects, so it need to become a necessary subject in high schools. From my perspective, I bothe agree and disagree with those ideas and wi
There are many people think that art classes are as important as other subjects for children to scrutinize so it should be compulsory in high schools. I agree with the above opinion.
It is true that art classes such as painting and drawing in high schools is a subject of debate. I go along with the opinion that art education is as other subjects and should be compulsory, others may hold different per
In this day and age, every parent wants their children to be able to have well-rounded training and assimilate the best education which includes Arts Education. However, it engendered some valid concerns that schools sho
The progression of a child need a range of aspects such as logic and creativity. It is said that it is compulsory for high schools to open art classes for juvernile as it is vital to their development compares to other s
It has become increasingly prevalent for people to accept the painting and drawing courses in high schools. Each has its own perks; thus, I partly agree with this view and discuss the reasons as follows.
There is a controversial idea that art lessons are equivalent in terms of importance to other subjects about the development of a child and it must be compulsory in high school.This writer strongly supports the opinion t
It is considered that painting and drawing play a pivotal role in children's growth and should be a compulsory subject, while the others consider that amount of time learning such of those can be spent on Mathematics or
Some people believe that art should become compulsory in schools because of its positive effects on the maturity of children. The writer of this essay holds a view that it should be optional as being suitable for gift
It is believed that art is necessary in high schools as it plays a vital role in the development of children and its importance is equal to other subjects. From my perspective, I completely agree with the statement and t
It is argued that some classes related to art like drawing and painting are to crucial to a child's improvement as other subjects, so they should attend high school. This writer agrees with this statement and will explai
It is believed that art is necessary in high schools as it plays a vital role in the development of children and its importance equal to other subjects. From my perspective, I completely agree with the statement and this
It is argued that drawing and painting should be compulsory subjects like math or physics due to their importance in the early development of children. Personally, the writer approves of the significance that art has on
Art classes are proved to be significantly crucial, just like any other lessons, to the development of a child which is similar to other subjects. Therefore, it is compulsory for the curriculum of every school to have th
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